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Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja. Music dialogues. Ukraine-Poland.

Reviews (1)
Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja. Music dialogues. Ukraine-Poland.

A journey is waiting for us. Kostyantyn Chechenya and his Ensemble of Ancient Music have literally created a miracle. Now, for example, we are travelling to Poland. The Poland which existed 200 or 400 years ago and performed music in a certain way. It is worth while reading something from Henrik Senkevich accompanied exactly by the records like these ones. Certainly, the life of those days was not easy. But it is pleasant to hear that even in those times there was the possibility for such tenderness. Especially against the background of solid fortresses with the walls of several meters wide. A kind of David with an indispensable Goliath beside him. As one of the songs goes, in an hour our spill blood will turn into simple ground and in two hours it will turn into flowers and grass. Tender flowers. It is worth while feast your eyes on them...

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Ethnodisc
Catalogue number: CD-024-03
Year: 2003

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Ancient Music Ensemble of Kostjantin Chechenja

Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
1.  Vilanela. Final
music: Vojceh Dluhoraj (bl. 1550-1619)
2.  Dvi Pisni Pol's'koho Renesansu: Nastja, Sjad' Pid Mojim Lystjam I Vidpochyn'. Anusja
3.  II Koncert
music: Adam Jazhembs'kyy (bl. 1590-1648)
4. Mp3Vesna
5.  Ne Kozhen Zrozumije...
6. Mp3Pol's'kyj Tanec'
music: Hans Nojzidler (1508-?)
7.  Hajduk (z tabulatury 1619 p.), Ukrajins'kyj Tanec' "Derhunec'"
music: Voyceh Dluhoraj
8.  Syzyj Holubochku
9. Mp3Tvory ¹ 45, 43 z rukopysnoji zbirky XVII st.*
10.  Tvory ¹ 152, 87, 13 z rukopysnoji zbirky XVII st.
11.  Tvory ¹ 33 z rukopysnoji zbirky XVII st.
12.  Tvory ¹ 179 z rukopysnoji zbirky XVII st.
13.  Tvory ¹ 164, 166 z rukopysnoji zbirky XVII st.
14.  Ah Ushly Moji Lita
15.  Tvory ¹ 66 z rukopysnoji zbirky XVII st.
16.  Tvory ¹ 180 z rukopysnoji zbirky XVII st.
17.  Oj Ty, Ptychko Zhovtoboko
music: Hryhorij Skovoroda (1722-1794)
 Total playing time: 46:30

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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Reviews (1)

  , Warsaw, Poland
20-06-2005 17:10

I, as a descendand of Lvovians, was always very impressed about Poland's and Ukraine's common history. This CD shows a better part of it!