Catalogue -> Folk -> Bandura, Kobza etc

Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. Trio bandurystok. (The bandura players trio).

Reviews (1)
Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. Trio bandurystok. (The bandura players trio).
Bandura is still a surprising instrument. And it is not necessary at all to be, for example, a sound producer to freeze enchanted when hearing its sounding. It is enough to only really hear it once, what riches are hidden in it – and you will be no longer able to ever listen to the bandura indifferently. It is the too living voice that it sings with – in the end, it is not in vain that bandura is considered one of the most accomplished strings. Well, and on this disc, as it is easy to guess, you will hear as many as six wonderful instruments – three banduras, three voices. And here it would already be difficult to define in which of them there is more beauty – and no need to. It is not about a competition, but about mutual accomplishment – and, I should say, everything is great with it here. Sometimes it even turns so that the voices sound as though metal strings – and the banduras, in their turn, almost turn into half a dozen of other instruments. However, that is not the essence. But, when six women come together and they are indeed able to sing – it simply must sound beautiful. And – it does.

Publisher: Rostok Records
Year: 2007

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio

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1.  Angels in the Sky (Janholy v nebi)
2. Mp3Carol-singing (Koljad, koljad, koljadnytsja)
3. Mp3Silent Night, Holy Night (Tykha nich, svjata nich)
4.  Christ Was Born (Khrystos rodyvsja)
5. Mp3Music of the Stars in the Serene Sky (Dzvenyt‘ u zorjakh nebo chyste)
6.  Beside the River Bank (Nad richkoju berezhkom)
7.  Ivanko, Ivanko (Ivanku, Ivanku)
8. Mp3Above the River in the Serene Field (V chystim poli ponad richkoju)
9.  Walking Through the Green Grove (Hajem zelenen‘kym)
10. Mp3The Bridges Between Us Have Burned (Mizh namy spaleno mosty)
11.  Swan (Lebidka)
12.  Quiet Rustle of Nutwood Tree (Shumila lishchyna)
13.  Oh, I So Much In Love With You (Jak ja ljublju tebe)
14.  I Shepherded My Goat Beyond the Yard (Za horodom kozu pasla)
 Total playing time: 39:57

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

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Reviews (1)

  , Ëüâ³â, Óêðà¿íà
19-01-2008 17:18

×óäîâèé äèñê. Äóæå äîáðå ï³ä³áðàíèé ðåïåðòóàð, à ïðî îðãàí³÷íå ïîºäíàííÿ ³íñòðóìåíòó òà æ³íî÷èõ ãîëîñ³â íàâ³òü ãîâîðèòè çàéâå. Êóïóéòå, ñëóõàéòå!