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Bohdan Voloshyn. Polit zolotoi mushky. (The Flight of A Golden Fly)

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Bohdan Voloshyn. Polit zolotoi mushky. (The Flight of A Golden Fly)
"The new funny book by Bohdan Voloshyn is a detailed introduction of the reader to the fictional and legendary town of Burachkovychy and the neighboring village Lopushna. Through the prism of "life and work" of the characters all the stories, we gradually discover intimate details of the private and public life of prominent Burachkovychy residents, for example the mayor of the town Roman Zadupsky, tragic fate artist Vlodko Farnegi, digger Merlyun and other dignitaries. Sometimes surreal and phantasmagoric, sometimes lyrical and psychological – the chronicle tales by Bohdan Voloshyn with their unique specificity of Pokutsko-Boiky dialects, are able to provide true "satisfaction of relaxation" for a reader endowed with the sense of humor".

In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 320
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv

- Granda

- Masakra

- Obrazky

- Pus‘chyna dolja

- Berezhit‘ zdorov’ja

- Kljamka

- Tsvibak

- Palets‘

- Dobryy spetsijalist

- Merljun‘o

- Polonez Sviders‘koho

- Testament

- Krutiy

- Na ryby

- Syn suchyy

- Vozdvyzhennja

- Saga povernennja

- Vavylon na emigratsiji

- Pravdyvi zakusky

- Samuray Farnega-san

- B’jutiful layf

- Oy khto, khto Mykolaja ljubyt‘?

- "Strana voskhodjashchoho psa"

- Homo faber Lesja Bayzel‘

- Nespodivana vistka

- Popeljukho, Popeljukho, kupy sobi kapeljukha!

- Juz‘ko Chukhray

- Neshchaslyva zorja Oksany Patsykivny

- Javanka Marusja

- "Santa Ljuchija"

- Chao, karo mio!

- "Hamlet" u prytulku

- Zhyttja prozhyty – ne v muku puknuty

- Promizhna stantsija

- Osin‘ oliharkha

- Rosla sobi jalynon‘ka

Publisher: Staryi Lev
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176792659
Year: 2016

Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
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