Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: for Children

Nadiya Repeta. Abetka remesel i profesiy. (Crafts and Professions ABC)

Reviews (1)
"What do a cooper, carver, or potter produce, what do a journalist, printer, and confectioner do? Kids will learn about all of that by reading the verse "Crafts and Professions ABC". The book is ideal for the little "whyers" and their parents, who can use it to explain to children specific features of various professions and crafts."

In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Marjana Petriv
Edition type: hard cover
Format: 210x240 mm
Number of pages: 72, illustrated
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv

- Aptekar

- Bondar

- Vivchar

- Honchar

- Gontar

- Drukar

- Ekskursovod

- Jeher

- Zhurnalist

- Zolotar

- hodYnnykar

- Ikonopysets‘

- Jizdovyy

- oliYnyk

- Koval‘

- Ljal‘kar

- Mylovar

- Nosyl‘nyk

- Okulist

- Pekar

- Riz‘bjar

- Stel‘makh

- Tkach

- Uchytel‘

- Fotohraf

- Khudozhnyk

- Tsukernyk

- Chobotar

- Shapkar

- Shchitkar

- Juvelir

- Jahidnyk

Publisher: Staryi Lev
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176791713
Year: 2015

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See also:

Kyrylo Halushko. Peoples, Ethnic Groups, Nations... Find Any Differences. The "Likbez-Abetka" series.

Knowing differences among the concepts of "ethnic group", "people", "nation" is essential not only for understanding events of the past, but also to realize the logic of contemporary political and social processes. In the book, the reader will find answers to the questions that often arise in everyday life not only among ordinary citizen...
Domestic price: 138.60UAH, International price: $9.90USD

Reviews (1)

  Галина , Україна
06-11-2017 12:01

Книга чудова, але для людини, що цікавилася історією в школі професія золоторя не з дорогоцінними металами асоціюється, тому цю літеру я пропускаю. А так книжка весела і по-українськи доброзичлива, от як би ще не золотар... Хоча це ж життя і така професія дійсно існувала)