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Ulf Stark. Todi ya buv prosto Ulf. (Then I Was Just Ulf)

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Ulf Stark. Todi ya buv prosto Ulf. (Then I Was Just Ulf)
"Ulf Stark, as always, speaks wittily and relentlessly about the complex stuff, this time he speaks about his childhood and adolescence. There are his first kisses and the first serious books, creative experiments and escaping from home, competitions, fantasies, weird things and eventually – the big dream to become a writer. Ulf sometimes does not know himself how far his own fantasies may take him. Because it's not that easy – to see something that others don't see and to share one's imagined worlds with everyone."
Translated from Sweden by Halyna Kyrpa
In Ukrainian
Illustrations: Maria Foya
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 128, illustrated
Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv

- V pecheri lezhyt‘ zoloto

- Blakytna korova

- Druhyy potsilunok

- Chy je v kosmosi ljudy?

- Fokstrot

- Proshchay, Stureb'ju!

- Ne pyshit‘ durnyts‘

- Pani v korotkomu khalatyku

- U bilyy svit

Publisher: Staryi Lev
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176793786
Year: 2017

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Ulf Stark

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