Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: (self)Education

Malcolm Gladwell. Spalakh! Syla nesvidomykh dumok. (Blink! The Power of Thinking)

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Malcolm Gladwell. Spalakh! Syla nesvidomykh dumok. (Blink! The Power of Thinking)
"We make the most important decisions in the first 2 seconds – based on a quick look and intuition! It is this capacity of our brain – to act instantly – that gave the humankind a chance to survive. But can one use it to succeed today? The power of such blitz decisions helped cardiologists in an emergency hospital, an office furniture designer... and also barely cost billions of profit to Coca-Cola. To choose a partner for a lifetime, to deliberately cast a vote in elections, to assess a business partner at first sight – the power of unconscious thoughts will help there – not a gift of the chosen, but a skill that anyone can develop!"
Translated from English by Iryna Savyuk
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x212  mm
Number of pages: 240
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv


Statuja, shcho mala nenalezhnyy vyhljad

1. Shvydkyy i pomirnyy 2. Vnutrishniy komp'juter 3. Inshyy, krashchyy svit

Rozdil 1

Teorija tonkykh zriziv: jak obmal‘ znan‘ zavodyt‘ nadto daleko

1. Laboratorija kokhannja 2. Shljub ta abetka Morze 3. Vazhlyvist‘ prezyrstva 4. Tajemnytsi spal‘ni 5. Doslukhajuchys‘ do likariv 6. Syla pohljadu

Rozdil 2

Zamkneni dveri: tajemne zhyttja blitsrishen‘

1. Hotovyy do diji 2. Problema z vyhadkamy

Rozdil 3

Pomylka Vorrena Hardinga: chomu nam podobajut‘sja vysoki y chornjavi pryvablyvi choloviky

1. Temnyy bik tonkykh zriziv 2. Dumaty ne dumajuchy pro chorne y bile 3. Turbota pro klijenta 4. Rozpiznaty prostaka 5. Podumayte pro doktora Kinga

Rozdil 4

Velyka peremoha Pola Van Ripera: vytvorjujuchy strukturu spontannosti

1. Odyn ranok u mors‘kiy zatotsi 2. Struktura spontannosti 3. Ryzyky samoanalizu 4. Kryza u VED 5. Koly menshe tse naspravdi bil‘she 6. "Vyklyk tysjacholittja", chastyna druha

Rozdil 5

Dylema Kenny: pravyl‘nyy – i khybnyy – sposib pytaty u ljudey, choho vony khochut‘

1. Druhty pohljad na pershi vrazhennja 2. Vyklyk Pepsi 3. Slipyy vede slipoho 4. "Krislo smerti" 5. Dar maysternosti 6. "Zvukozapysuval‘ni kompaniji robljat‘ shchodo tebe jakus‘ durnju"

Rozdil 6

Sim sekund u Bronksi: delikatne mystetstvo chytaty dumky

1. Try fatal‘ni pomylky 2. Teorija prochytannja dumok 3. Hole oblychchja 4. Cholovik, zhinka, vymykach 5. Superechka z sobakoju 6. Tikaty z biloho prostoru 7. "Shchos‘ u mojiy holovi meni pidkazalo, shcho striljaty poky ne varto" 8. Trahedija na Viler-avenju


Slukhaty ochyma: uroky "Syly nesvidomykh dumok"

1. Revoljutsija v klasychniy muzytsi 2. Malen‘ke dyvo

- Prymitky

- Podjaka

- Pro avtora

Publisher: BookClub
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786171224599
Year: 2017

Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
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