Catalogue -> For Children -> CD-ROM

Ukrajins‘ka mova. Children's collection. (Ukrainian Language)

Reviews (1)
Ukrajins‘ka mova. Children's collection. (Ukrainian Language)
The disk "Ukrainian Language" contains an educational course for the subject of the Ukrainian Language at primary school. Your child will not only find out more about the text, the structure of a sentence and structure of words, but also about sounds, stress, apostrophe, capital and small letters. Practical tasks will in an easy and playful form train your child's literacy and attentiveness.

All the texts are recited, the educational disc is filled with various games, a cartoon and other amusing pieces.

In Ukrainian.
Minimal technical requirements: Microsoft Windows 98/ 2000/ XP, 1000Mhz processor, integrated video, 128 RAM, mouse.

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2007

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Reviews (1)

  , Christchurch, New Zealand
07-07-2008 06:25

Цей диск сподобався моїй 5-ти річній дитині, поверталася і виконувала завдання декілька разів, думаю замовити ще диски з даної серії. Гарне оформлення, графіка зрозумілі для дитини малюночки і герої.