Catalogue -> MP3-CD -> Folk

Ukrainian Ethnic Music. Part II. (mp3).

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Ukrainian Ethnic Music. Part II. (mp3).

Appearance of these discs is wonderful news. First of all, it will be happy, sure, for those who remember and appreciate valuables dispersed in the discs of the "Ethnic Music of Ukraine" series, which a few years ago saw the light of the day as a special, premium release in the audio format. The present second release, even though it does not foresee such a rich booklet as in the previous case – also offers acceptable, good recording quality. Actually, it is maximally close to the quality of an audio CD – but at that each disc contains material from, on average, four albums of the series. It seems to me that this is a good offer – especially for those who use this music, for example, as an illustrative material in research, or social work, etc. At the same time, it is just an irreplaceable variant for a person, who only starts being deeply interested in authentic art in general – and Ukrainian one in particular. Obviously, in this way it is possible to quite easily embrace enormous volumes of material – and, believe me, really rare things are collected here, which you will hardly find anywhere else. Thereon I say goodbye - enjoy!

Important notice! Record is made in mp3 format, 256 kbps. All files names are in Ukrainian.

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Mp3 records
Catalogue number: mp3 00614
Year: 2007

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  Zi shyliv Horhan
1.  Pryhravannja do koljadky
2. Mp3Oj cy doma ty hospodarechku
3.  Tam za stinoju za zolotoju
4.  A v hori v hori vse pshenychen'ka
5. Mp3Zazhurylasja perepelon'ka
6.  Pryhravannja do koljadky
7.  Oj v sadku v sadku zazul'ka kuje
8. Mp3Oj u luzi struzi jasna zorja svityt'
9.  Oj davno davno postarodavno
10.  Koby meni do nedili ta j pidu v malyny
11. Mp3Zamizh idesh don'ko zamizh idesh ljubko
12.  Pustit zhe nas pustit zhe nas voju vojuvaty
13.  Pryhravannja do ladkanky
14.  Oj iz ruton'ky po dvi kviton'ky
15.  Oj de zh ty sja div de zh ty sja podiv
16. Mp3Pryhravannja do ladkanky j pryspivky
17.  Oj ne sydy staroston'ko na pechy
18.  Oj kuda zh ty moloden'ka hodyla
19.  Pryhravannja do ladkanky "Letjat' halochky"
20.  Oj u more na kameny mylyj Bozhe
21.  Oj vinku mij zelenen'kyj
22.  Pryhravannja do "pljesannja druzhky"
23.  Oj pljeshy pljeshy znajesh do koho
24.  A ja sobi kozachok
25.  Pryhravannja do "pljesannja druzhky"
26.  Mamochko moja ljuba
27.  Kolomyjka
28.  My dozh'yly zarana
29.  A my zh'yly j pozzhynaly
30.  Val's "Ljubov, kohannja, mov toj cvit"
31.  Viz'my maty zhyta ta j posij po mosti
32.  Nadletily husy z dalekoho kraju
33.  Vidpravljala maty synapid Kruty do boju
34.  Kozachok
35.  Oj vid morja ta j do morja bytaja doroha
36.  Pobilily snizhky po bytij dorozi
37.  Pol'ka
38.  Ta j povishu j kolysochku
39.  Kotyk malen'kyj
40.  Arkan
  Kol'orovi sela
41.  Hra kapely do vesil'nyh spiviv
42.  Hra kapely v moment obhodu stola
43.  Hra kapely do ladkannja pislja "proschi"
44.  Hra kapely v moment vyrjadzhennja molodyh do shljubu
45.  Marsh dorohoju do shljubu
46.  Vesil'na hra do tancju
47.  Hra na cymbalah
48. Mp3Hra na cymbalah
49.  Hra na cymbalah i skrypci
50.  Pryhody z vivcjamy
51.  Huculka
52.  Holubka
53.  Val's
54. Mp3Ches'ka pol'ka
55.  Pol'ka na cymbalah
56.  Pol'ka (kapela)
57.  Kovalivka (sopilka, skrypka, cymbaly)
58.  Hra na skrypci i cymbalah
59.  "Krizes" abo "zhydivka"
60.  Frahment koljadky (spiv, hra na sopilci)
61.  Frahment zvychajnoji Imeni z rozpoviddju vykonavcja
62. Mp3Koljadka
63.  Vesil'na ladkanka (spiv, skrypka)
64.  Zvychajna lirychna pisnja
65.  Zhartivlyvi pryspivky
66.  Zvychajna pisnja
67.  Spivanka na hostyni
68.  Hajivka
69.  Hajivka
70.  Zvychajna pisnja
71. Mp3Hra na lystku
72. Mp3Spiv pry vypasi hudoby
73. Mp3Spiv pry vypasi hudoby (prodovzhennja)
  V hetoj hati...
74.  Krakov’jak s. Al'pjen'
75.  Baranci
76. Mp3Svaryn'
77.  Bjelovusha
78.  Motol'
79.  Krakov’jak
80.  Vesil'ni s. Korsyni
81. Mp3Vesil'ni Otryzhyn
82. Mp3Vesil'ni s. Znamenka
83.  Vesil'ni s. Bjelovusha
84.  Vesil'ni s. Motol'
85.  Vesil'ni s. Otryzhyn
86.  Vesil'ni s. Bjelovusha
87.  Vesil'ni s. Baranci
88.  Vesil'ni s. Baranci
89.  Vesil'ni s. Znamenka
90.  Vesil'ni s. Svaryn'
91.  Vesil'ni s. Baranci
92.  Vesil'ni s. Korsyni
93.  Vesil'ni s. Rylovychi
94.  Vesil'na pryspivka s. Rylovychi
95.  Vesil'na pryspivka s. Motol'
96.  Pol'ka s. Olizariv Stav
97.  Zvychajni pisni s. Motol'
98.  Zvychajni pisni s. Motol'
99.  Zvychajni pisni s. Bjelovusha
100. Mp3Zvychajni pisni s. Motol'
101.  Zvychajni pisni s. Korsyni
102.  Zvychajni pisni s. Motol'
103.  Zvychajni pisni s. Baranci
104.  Podispan s. Al'pjen'
  Vinochok rut'vjanjen'kij
105.  Pol'ka s.Al'pjen'
106.  Koljadka (schodryk) s. Vykorovychi
107.  Koljadka (schodruha) s.Motol'
108. Mp3Koljadka s. Tereblichi
109.  Koljadka s. Opol'
110.  Koljadka s. Struha
111.  Koljadnyc'ka pryspivka s. Chyzhevschyna
112.  Schedrivka s. Man'kovychi
113.  Schedrivka s.Opol'
114.  Schedrivka s. Motol'
115.  Pol'ka s.Motol'
116.  Vesnjanka s. Man'kovychi
117.  Vesnjanka s. Svaryn'
118. Mp3Vesnjanka s. Baranci
119.  Vesnjanka s. Midna
120.  Vesnjanka s. Otryzhyn
121.  Vesnjanka s. Motol'
122.  Velykodnja hra s. Bjelovusha
123.  Velykodnja hra s. Bjelovusha
124. Mp3Velykodnja hra s. Bjelovusha
125.  Ljavoniha s. Al'pjen'
126.  Kupal's'ka s. Korsyni
127.  Litnja s. Motol'
128. Mp3Litnja s. Struha
129.  Osinnja s. Motol'
130.  Oberek s. Motol'

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

The modern treatment of traditional Ukrainian folk music. (mp3).

So, now one disc unites all the four albums that had time to be released within the framework of this project: "Korali" (Corals), "Zelene" (Green), "Vesil‘ni" (Wedding), "Osjayni" (Effulgent). The project is definitely cool – therefore, we can recommend this release to all those who value truly high-quality combination of traditional music and modern rhythms.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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