Catalogue -> Folk -> Folk Instruments. Academic Performing.

NAOFI. Melodies Of Ukraine. The first CD.

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NAOFI. Melodies Of Ukraine. The first CD.

National Orchestra Of Folk Instruments is a unique musical collective. Musicians present traditional melodies of different regions of Ukraine on this CD. This professional players saves and develops traditional Ukrainian music and traditional instruments like tsymbala, bandura, sopilka.

We call CDs of this series "the first", "the second" etc. In fact, all of them are great and not accidentally our customers like them. There are no order numbers on the covers of the CDs of the series.

Publisher: Rostok Records
Catalogue number: RRCD-139
Year: 2001

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
1.  Rapsodija ¹2
music: M. Lysenko
2.  Kozak
music: M. Zavods'kyj
3.  Doschyk
music: M. Rizol'
4.  Romans
music: M. Kalachevs'kyj
5. Mp3Pol'ka
music: D. Deminchuk
6. Mp3Hucul's'ka Fantazija
music: S. Orel
7.  Bezkinechna
music: I. Ivaschenko
8.  Donec'ka kadryl'
music: I. Shamo
9. Mp3Trojisti Muzyky
music: V. Hucal
10.  Metelycja
11.  Fantazija Dlja Cymbal Z Orkestrom
music: D. Popichuk
12. Mp3Vesnjanka
music: Ja. Ljapyns'kyj
13.  Melodija
music: M. Skoryk
14. Mp3Derhunec'
music: Ju. Alzhnjev
15.  Bukovyns'ki Kozachky
music: V. Heker
 Total playing time: 67:09

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Borys Hmyrya, NAOFI. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/.

Audio cassette/ ..A wonderful and unique voice. Not only because this bass-cantante, possessors of which are scarce in the world, is defined as an ideal one. Its power is in its lightness..
Domestic price: 152.60UAH, International price: $10.90USD

NAOFI. Melodies Of Ukraine. Tenth CD.

More and more interest among the audience is caused by songs of the past, of the 20th century. At one time, they were very popular and considered hits. Now this music for the older generation is nostalgic, while for youth – absolutely new. But they rightly say that good music is eternal...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

NAOFI. Melodies Of Ukraine. Eighth CD.

Ukrainian melos has always been developing in parallel with music of other peoples, and there are over one hundred of them in our area. Permanent interpenetration has always been taking place here. This enriches music of all nationalities. The eighth disc is an example of that.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

NAOFI. Tantsjuval‘ni melodiji. (Dance Melodies)

This disc represents music by Ukrainian composers that created their pieces based on folklore dance music materials of the region where they lived. Thus, the disc has appeared varied both in music and in genres. Moreover, apart from that this music can be used as dance staging applied material, it has great aesthetic, artistic value.
Domestic price: 382.20UAH, International price: $27.30USD

NAOFI. Melodies Of Ukraine. The second CD.

Pearls of Ukrainian music, melodies of different parts of Ukraine are presented on this CD. True masters - musicians of National Orchestra Of Folk Instruments collect and play these ancient melodies, keeping colouring and traditions of Ukrainians.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

NAOFI. Melodies Of Ukraine. The third CD.

Patterns of Ukrainian authentic melodiouseness are submitted widely and floridly on this canvas. The picture was created by the master - the National Orchestra Of Folk Instruments. I emphasise a word Folk. Probably, due to this there is no arrogance, and officially on a disc. It really creates a joyful atmosphere...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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