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Ivan Bahrjanyj. Tyhrolovy. (mp3).

Reviews (2)
Ivan Bahrjanyj. Tyhrolovy. (mp3).

Probably, to people of the senior generation, both the author Ivan Bagrjany, and his book "Tygrolovy" are not quite familiar. At least, here – as in the West the novel has had several editions and stays in demand. The book was written during the Second World War, at the literary competition of 1944 in Lviv it received the first prize. This novel, for the first time in fact, years before Solzhenitsyn, speaks honestly about Soviet camps, about the regime of the time. Since Bagrjany knew about that himself by his own experience – in 1932-37, he stayed in exile in the Far East. For his literary activity – it was considered as counterrevolutionary propaganda. But the main character of the novel is not a camp, and not the regime. The main character is an honest individual, his will and honor, which the terrible system never managed to break down. And it is not even about struggle – it is about a strong, full, bright, pure life. And it is so truly written by Ivan Bagrjany and so tastily read by Borys Loboda that it is just impossible to come off it. Good literature, powerful. Worthy.

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Important notice! Record is made in mp3 format. All files names are in Ukrainian.

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Ukrainian Audiobook
Year: 2006

Domestic price: 152.60UAH
International price: $10.90USD
1. Mp3Part 1
2.  Part 2
3.  Part 3
4.  Part 4
5.  Part 5
6.  Part 6
7.  Part 7
8.  Part 8
9.  Part 9
10.  Part 10
11.  Part 11
12.  Part 12

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Reviews (2)

  Даха , Днепропетровск
04-05-2010 12:09

Роман отличный!Правда нет характеристики главной героини!(((

  Володимир , Київ
27-11-2006 11:45

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