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Yevhen Mayevsky. Kazky Dyvnoho lisu. For adult children. /mp3/. (Strange Forest Tales)

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Yevhen Mayevsky. Kazky Dyvnoho lisu. For adult children. /mp3/. (Strange Forest Tales)
"The person's upbringing begins in childhood and never ends. The fairy tales tells us about the difficult life of animals in the forest. It is almost the same as that of humans. Animals may be kind and not that kind, funny and sad, savvy and so-so. Animals, as well as people, have to resolve various problems, but they sometimes resolve them in a very peculiar way. The unusual solutions create a bunch of funny situations and encourage the reader/listener to look at themselves and their own life." (information from the press release)

Recited by: Serhiy Trufanov.

Format: mp3, 192 kbps.

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Nash Format
Year: 2013

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1. Mp3Intro. Pory roku
2.  Duzhe vazhlyvyy zajets‘
3. Mp3Doskarzhyvsja
4.  Povazhnyy kaban
5. Mp3Vedmezhi obitsjanky
6.  Na dobranich
7.  Jak djatel blikh lovyv
8.  Rybalky ta istyna
9.  Strashnyy hist‘
10.  Spravy seljans‘ki
11.  Jak zajets‘ kapustu rozdavav
12.  Jalynka
13.  Shljakh do vedmedja
14.  Lisova zhurnalistyka
15.  Dilovyy kaban
16.  Jak zviri rybu rjatuvaly
17.  Bjurokratija
18.  Zebra-konsul‘tant
19.  Bat‘kivs‘ke pikluvannja
20.  Blyzhche do narodu
21.  Lys-poradnyk
22.  Istoryk
23.  Lisovi sportsmeny
24.  Pro bilku-modnytsju
25.  Kaban-inspektor
26.  Jak zviri hryby vyroshchuvaly
27.  Vysoka polityka
28.  Vtikach
29.  Vchenyy patsjuk
30.  Pro kabana-zdyrnyka
31.  Pro sojuz
32.  Zymova zahotivlja
33.  Jak zviri zapasy trymaly
34.  Lisovi podatky
35.  Bazarnyy den‘
36.  Symvol lisu
37.  Jak vedmid‘ litaty vchyvsja
38.  Hromads‘ke kharchuvannja
39.  Vedmezha pasika
40.  Lisova olimpiada
41.  Mriji zbuvajut‘sja
42.  Vedmezhe hnizdo
43.  Pam’jatnyk zhabi
44.  Pro sotsial‘nyy zakhyst naselennja
45.  Pro krutoho barana
46.  Vchenyy visljuk
47.  Pro navychky
48.  Svjato
49.  Jak koza zdorov’jam pereymalas‘
50.  U kozhnoho sviy strakh
51.  Slipyy povodyr
52.  Koly dumaty po-inshomu
53.  Zaytsi i vrozhay
54.  Jenotova pravda
55.  Jak zviri smittja prybyraly
56.  Liky dlja vedmedja
57.  Pisljamova
  bonus video:
58.  Zebra-konsul‘tant (animatsija)
 Total playing time: 120:08:00

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Kuzma Skryabin. Ja, "Pobeda" i Berlin. (mp3). /digi-pack/

This book is the literary debut of the known Ukrainian singer Andriy Kuzmenko (Kuzma), the leader of the group Skryabin. Two stories are included into the collection. The first one – "Me, "Pobeda" and Berlin" – is full of bright sense of humor, merry moods and, probably, will make even very serious readers laugh. The second story – "City Where Money Does Not Circulate" – is of quite a different genre.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

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