Catalogue -> Classical -> Piano

Mariya Krushelnytska. Viktor Kosenko. 11 etudiv u formi starovynnyh tanciv.

Reviews (1)
Mariya Krushelnytska. Viktor Kosenko. 11 etudiv u formi starovynnyh tanciv.
As a matter of fact, Viktor Kosenko – the author of this series – is one of the most interesting Ukrainian composers of the beginning of the 20-th century, a representative of such artistic tendency as neoclassicism. And it is exactly his series "11 etudes" that has become, strictly speaking, an example of neoclassicism in Ukrainian music. Still, if I did not open the cover, I would not know this – as well as some other interesting facts. All the same, I do hope that it would not prevent me from getting pleasure from the music itself. No, it would not. Since the knowledge of facts has nothing to do with immediate perception – let it be music, or colour, or scent, or some event in your life. With me it may happen that I do not know the name of an author or a singer, I may not know that the instrument is called "a piano" - so, what of that? You see, I listen to music and hear it (it occurs later that I understand if I like it or not, etc.), or I do not hear, that’s all. Everything is simple. At that, this music encourages you to listen attentively enough – in order to hear at last. I wish you to hear.

Publisher: UKRmusic
Catalogue number: UM - CD 018
Year: 2004

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Mariya Krushelnytska

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1. Mp3Havot
2. Mp3Alemanda
3. Mp3Menuet
4. Mp3Kuranta
5.  Sarabanda
6.  Burre
7.  Havot
8.  Rihidon
9.  Menuet
10.  Passakalija
11.  Zhyha
 Total playing time: 73:31

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Igor Mamoushev. Prydumay sobi Islandiyu. /digi-pack/. (Fancy Your Iceland)

It all started with a couple of pieces for the play "Marriage of Figaro" – and the audience liked the new approach so much that they started asking Igor for continuation. Actually, he did continue – that is how an entire program of not piano music, as it was before, but synthesizer one by Igor Mamushev appeared...
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Reviews (1)

  , Kyiv, Ukraine
17-11-2005 23:55

Слухаєш музику Віктора Косенка в її на превелику рідкість змістово ідентичній інтерпретації Марією Крушельницькою, і, стримуючи сльози, думаєш: які ж молодці українці, що можуть писати таку витончену, майстерну, ніжну й величну фортепіанну музику, що сприймається як досягнення дійсно європейського музичного мистецтва! Адже "в обществе" кажуть, що справжньої української фортепіанної музики не існує. Ну, то, дійсно, у тому "обществе" така музика і не повинна існувати. Залишається лише вельми великий біль з того, що такі глибокі музиканти, як Шопен, Скрябін, Косенко так рано пішли з життя... Отож, шануймо їх музику і музикантів-виконавців, що дають нам змогу любити і не забувати прекрасну музику.