Catalogue -> Variety Art -> Instrumental Variations

Pylyp Dovhan'. Suzir’ja Del'finiv. (Constellation of Dolphins)

Reviews (4)
Pylyp Dovhan'. Suzir’ja Del'finiv. (Constellation of Dolphins)
Philip Dovgan is quite a young composer, now he is only 14. However, it did not prevent him from recording a full-value author disc (by the way, it was Olexiy Kharchenko who helped him). Moreover, the "Constellation of Dolphins" is not just a selection of compositions by Philip, this is an album, which has its concept and integral structure. The album is divided into two sections. Volume One includes pieces performed on the grand piano, and this part of the album is an original look inside, into the internal, intimate world of a person. Actually, the grand piano as a solo instrument is a wonderful guide into this world, it perfectly incarnates in its sounds transparent lyric moods, fragile motions that Philip's plays are saturated with. Volume Two – is performed on the synthesizer, and this is already another direction. Here, you can feel movement outside, an attempt of wide-scale comprehension of perceptible displays of life. Speaking differently, this is a synthesis of harmonies that a person can see, feel around. And that is why in this part, for example, it is possible to see influences of a few modern music styles. In the end, everybody during his/her life tries to harmoniously combine what he/she feels inside with what he/she sees and feels around. To what extent each of us succeeds in it – that is a different thing. And Philip Dovgan, seemingly, has managed his task – at least, within the framework of this debut album.

Publisher: Rostok Records
Year: 2007

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Pylyp Dovhan'

Domestic price: 152.60UAH
International price: $10.90USD
  Knyha 1
1.  Shid nad morem
2.  Rozdumy
3. Mp3Molytva
4.  Holhofa
5.  Koly spyt' pryroda
6. Mp3Hvylyny schastja
7.  Jakby ty bula poruch
8.  Hirki riky Chornobylja
  Knyha 2
9. Mp3Shljah do Svitla
10.  Zasnizheni vershyny
11. Mp3Karnaval
12.  Pislja doschu
13.  Teplyj viter shodu
14.  Suzir’ja Del'finiv
15.  Zdrastuj, Sonce!
 Total playing time: 46:51

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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Reviews (4)

  , ʳðîâîãðàä, Óêðà¿íà
21-06-2008 12:27

Àëüáîì ñóïåð!!!

  , ì.Îäåñà, Íàéêðàùà êðà¿íà
13-09-2007 17:05

Òðîõè ñëàáåíüêèé àëüáîì, àëå âðàõîâóþ÷è â³ê àâòîðà-âèêîíàâöÿ äóæå íåïîãàíî. Âêëàâøè òðîõè ãðîøåé íà îðàíæóâàííÿ, ç éîãî ìîæíà çðîáèòè öóêåðêó, àëå òî âæå áóäå "Àë³íà Ãðîñó".
Çàãàëîì äóæå ïðèºìíî, ùî íà ìî¿é çåìë³ æèâóòü òàê³ ìîëîä³, òàëàíîâèò³
ëþäè, ÿê Ïèëèï Äîâãàíü. Áåðåæè òà ðîçâèâàé â ñîá³ âñå òå, ùî äàâ Ãîñïîäü - â ³ì*ÿ Óêðà¿íè.

  , Êèðîâîãðàä, Óêðàèíà
12-06-2007 09:44

Íà åíåðãîñòðóêòóðó ëþäèíè, íà éîãî ìîçîê ÿê³ñòü çâóêîâèõ õâèëü ìຠâèíÿòêîâå çíà÷åííÿ, ÿê,äîðå÷³, íå ìîæíà íåäîîö³íþâàòè çíà÷åííÿ çîðîâèõ îáðàç³â, êàðòèí, çîáðàæåíü. Âñ³ âîíè º íîñ³ÿìè âèïðîì³íþâàííÿ äîñòàòíüî âèçíà÷åíîãî ä³àïàçîíó ³ ð³âíÿ. Êîëè âè ÷óºòå òâîðè Ô³ë³ïà Äîâãàíÿ, âàø ñòàí çì³íèòüñÿ â á³ê ãàðìîí³çàö³¿ ³ ïðîñâ³òëåííÿ, âè ÿê áè âíóòð³øíüî òîðêàºòåñü äî ïñèõ³÷íîãî ³ åìîö³éíîãî ñòàíó àâòîðà. Íå ïðîïóñò³òü ìîæëèâ³ñòü ãàðìîí³çóâàòè ñâîþ ñîâîêóïíó ñâ³äîì³ñòü, ï³äíÿòè ¿¿ íà á³ëüø âèñîêèé ð³âåíü ³ñíóâàííÿ.

  , Äîðòìóíä, Íiìå÷÷èíà
11-06-2007 23:15

Àëüáîì âäàâñÿ!!!