9 december 2010

December, 19, Shopping Hour: concert HASTA SIEMPRE Santa Claus!

December, 19 at 19:00
in the club Bochka Pyvna (Kyiv, Moskovsky av., 17/1, "Petrivka" metro station)
the surprise concert HASTA SIEMPRE Santa Claus from the Ukrainian-Serbian ethno-lounge project SHOPPING HOUR and its friends will take place.

The concert on St. Nicolas day will have a charitable objective: during the performance, children toys will be collected with the help of the party's guests, and volunteers of the all-Ukrainian Charitable Action "Saint Nicolas Travels Around Ukraine" will pass them to children in need. SHOPPING HOUR project already organizes this kind of an action for the second year in succession now.
At the concert, compositions from the both albums by SHOPPING HOUR will be played: the debut one, The Worldest Music (2006) and the recently presented Sunce Wind (2010). Moreover, festive surprises are also expected from friends of SHOPPING HOUR and participants of the project )

Tickets price – 50 UAH. With a toy for St. Nicolas – 30 UAH.
For the first 10 Mykolas the entrance is free, for the ones to follow – 30 UAH.
Detailed information: Stavanna@yandex.ru; + 38 066 240 89 35.