7 june 2024

UMKA plans to take a break

The war continues, the army is waiting. The time to mobilize is coming - and this means that soon UMKA will not have hands to send your orders. At the same time, part of the team will work remotely and perhaps direct the site in some new and interesting direction - but that will be a slightly different story.

Anyway, now you still have time to browse the site, find something interesting for yourself - and order, of course. To be honest, it would help us a lot)
Roughly, we will have about 2-4 weeks to ship these orders. Of course, life can change these terms in any direction. But for now we plan like this.
We do not expect to replenish the stock - so we advise you to look for something interesting for yourself on the site now, since we only have 1-2 copies of most of the presented items.
Thank you for attention and support.