Lilya Vavrin

Lilya VavrinLilya Vavrin was born in Lviv on the 19th of October.

The creative development started in 1991 at the festival "Moloda Galychyna" ("Young Galychyna"), where Lilya wined and took the Grand Prix in the competition.

"At that time I was accompanying on the piano and sin- ging in the real time. The festival was full of people who seemed rich and self-assured, with expensive guitars and their own producers. I thought, "What amI doing here? I CAN'T win…But I did!"

1994 became a milestone year in her professional carrier. Lilya took part in all-Ukrainian TV festival of popular music "Melodiya-94" with her own song "Ne treba sliz" ("No tears") and wined the award "Nadiya Roku" ("Hope of the Year"). Lilya worked at writting and singing her songs, took part in shooting trailers, various concerts. In 1995 Lilya became a prize-winner of the musical festival "Perlyna sezonu" ("Pearls of the Season") and got a diploma of the forth Vseukrainskyy festival "Chervona Ruta" in Sebastopol. Apart from the festivals, Lilya and band "Vatra" (a Carpathian-Ukrainian word for "fire") in a new stuff arranged concerts in Munich (Germany). That concerts were the first steps abroad and they were very successful.

"That was a real trial for me, I had to sing not only for Ukrainians but for people who didn't understand my language and came from the different cultural backgrounds. I was so anxious and excited. Only after the concert I realized that they followed the songs I was singing, the Ukrainian songs. It was incredible. It was a real success".

In 1996 Lilya tookthe second award at the festival "Spivanochka-Dzhazochka" ("Jazz-Singing Babe")and was given a price in the "Best staging of the song" at a the festival "Melodiya-96" with the song by Alex Voytovych "Ty mudriy" ("You are wise"). The singer received an international diploma of the music festival "Slovyanskij bazar" ("Slavonic Market") in 1998. The festival "Melodiya" made her the first place nominee with her own song "Lyshe dlya tebe" ("Only for you") where she took part in 1998. Lilya graduated from the University in 1998 with the Master Degree Diploma in Ukrainian and Polish language and literature. At the same time Lilya was involved in many concerts around Ukraine. Simultaneously she worked at the TV, leading programs and took part in shooting trailers for the TV. The first CD-album "Ne treba sliz" ("No tears") was presented by a recording company "Rostock-Records" in 2001.

"It took me ten years to reach this album step by step. It contains the best that I have recorded during the last years. I do understand that everything is not so perfect as I could do it today, but this album is a part of my life. This is what I felt and what I lived with."

In 2001 according to the poll Lilya Vavrin has been chosen the most popular singer in Lviv for the past two years – two years in a raw, and her album was the best album of the year. Lilya is an active member of many charity actions, she is a member of the jury of the Ukrainian national children TV-festival "Nadiya" ("Hope"). She also took part in a remembrance-concert of Igor Bilozir (a famous Ukrainian composer) singing a song "Ty meni skazhy" ("Tell me") in Lviv.

She presented Ukraine at the music festival of the United Europe in the city of Zeliona Gura in Poland in 2002.

"The performance of a female-singer from Lviv Lilya Vavrin was noticed in Zelyona Gura. A Ukrainian who sang the song of Igor Bilozir "Ty meni skazhy" ("Tell me") in the pop-soul style was heard over and over during the festival among the regional hits of TV-3", Volodimir Pryadko, Warsaw, Music News

Lots of concerts and new songs, again and again… 2002 year Lilya closed with her new song "Vse rivno" ("All the same") which was specially written for her by Yulya Boday(at the music-studio "Ranok" ("Morning") in Lviv) and Lilya also took part in the tournament "Na Rizdvo do Lvivskogo" ("On Christmas to the Lviv's").

Informtion, photo from the official web-site

We do not have compact discs of this artist for the moment