Lyubko Deresh


Lyubko Deresh. Arche. (mp3). /digi-pack/

Events of this novel develop among "strange", often semi-destroyed and abandoned buildings and places of the modern Lviv. Representatives of various "youth get-togethers" come there. The novel describes assemblages and rites of "urban subcultures"... Protagonists of the novel (and Deresh is one of them) wander through today's Lviv as if through a labyrinth.
Domestic price: 144.20UAH 122.64UAH
International price: $10.30USD $8.76USD

Lyubko Deresh. Trokhy pitmy. (A Bit of Darkness)

The new edition!  "This book is about the darkness inside. Releasing it out, I release space for light inside me..." Lyubko Deresh
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD