Molotov 20

Molotov 20 - it is pseudo by Serhiy "Shura" Hera, in past - one of fundators of the Skryabin group. Now, except a solo-project, he works in Druha Rika group and Dazzle Dreams project. Also he plays in other projects - but as a session musician.
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Molotov 20, Marta Shpak. Osiayni. The modern treatment of traditional Ukrainian folk music. /digi-pack/. (Enlighted)

Rhythms of "Osiayni" bewitch with their soft, silent pace. Marta, in her turn, also obviously appears here not by chance. Her voice has a very interesting feature – it somehow inexplicably combines in itself the past and the future. It seems to be native – and somehow not from here.
Domestic price: 306.60UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Taras Chubay, Kuzma Skryabin, Molotov 20. Nashi partysany. /cassette/. (Our Guerrillas)

Audio cassette/ ..This is, without exaggeration, a legendary album. And it was not even about the list of the project's authors.. The album was first released in 2000 – and it was perhaps the first collection of insurgents' songs in modern arrangements in Ukraine. And it still, in my opinion, remains the best one.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD


Tartak. Pershyj komercijnyj. /digi-pack/

...on the one hand we have renewed arrangements of famous compositions – but on the other hand we have the quality that does not storm from without, but sprouts inside of a listener...
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Skryabin. Natura. (re-edition). /digi-pack/. (Nature)

It is nice that Skryabin constantly improves its sound, makes it more refined and, so to say, live. "Natura" is modern lyric, with fine music arrangements and general harmoniousness of the album as a whole. Some personal, intimate things are represented here a bit unusually, very simply – but, surprisingly, intimacy is not lost, and even vice versa.
Domestic price: 264.60UAH, International price: $18.90USD