The Root Boys

Bohdan Ocheretyany - leader of the Mr. Och & His Root Boys, or The Root Boys (ex-drummer of the Mad Heads and Mad Heads XL)
photo by I. Snisarenko from:


The Root Boys. Dig That Roots!

...the project of Bohdan Ocheretyany, better known to the wide public as the drummer of the Mad Heads. But, as known, a few years ago Mad Heads turned into Mad Heads XL and started playing a bit different music. Therefore, in 2005, having recorded the album "Hope Is There" with them, Bohdan Ocheretyany left the group and then completely devoted himself to Mr. Och & His Root Boys.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

The Root Boys. On the Air.

...there is not a single song in the ordinary understanding on the album (that is, there are no vocals at all). But the music palette remained no less bright – this is, ultimately, already a programmatic cocktail: in the atmosphere of the middle of the last century, melodies with characteristic features of country, rockabilly, blue-grass styles are mixed, with some elements of jazz and rock.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD