Жан-П'єр Фрьолі

Born in Freiburg in the Black Forest Area in a Franco-German Family with Swiss roots, German Jazz Guitarist (and Vocalist) Jean-Pierre "JP" Froehly started to earn a first recognition as a senior member of "jAAzz", the Jazz Band of the German Foreign Office uniting German Government Officials and musicians of the Berlin Jazz Scene. During his time in Ukraine, he realised his own projects and quickly became a constant participant of the country's numerous jazz festivals - especially with his trio including Pianist Alexey Bogolyubov and Flutist Vladimir Zinkovsky with which he recorded one of his three albums ("Trio in Chernivtsi"). Inspired by the outstanding work of the late Hungarian-American Guitarist Attila Zoller and by a sound popular in the German Jazz Scene in the 60's (such as promoted also by the legendary German record label MPS), JP wants to make his own personal contribution to music. His most recent recording project, destinated to an international audience, "Four in Berlin", was realised in April 2009 with Don Friedman (p), Wolfgang Lackerschmid (vibes) and Hendrik Meurkens (harp).
information, photo from: http://www.myspace.com/jeanpierrefroehly


Жан-П'єр Фрьолі. Away from the crowd. The music of Attila Zoller.

Музику Золлера, ймовірно, Ви знаєте й самі. Цікавинкою ж цього альбому стало те, що основний акцент припав, як не дивно, не зовсім на гітару: вона разом з ударними та контрабасом створює основну канву, а той самий контрабас разом із флейтою та, час від часу, фортепіано – додають звучанню найбільш яскравих і глибоких фарб, і то не лише в соло..
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