The group "Bram Stocker" originates from Rivne – and in this city, judging by everything, they love active music. At least, at present there are already a number of local groups that play various variants of heavy rock-and-roll. And they play, usually, not bad – and "Bram Stocker" is no exception. The boys know how to win awards at festivals – though they do not like it. But they do like performances and direct communication – presumably, that is why texts of their songs are also specific for their straightforwardness and spontaneity. Simplicity and humor have even stakes here – and, as usual, the guys do not need to search long for simple words. Connected with rhythmic, quite hard (but not too heavy) music, all that has an interesting and energetic taste. There is also a bit of aggression – but somehow not quite angry one. Consequently, there is nothing strange in that in music reviews they often refer to creativity by "Bram Stocker" as to ska-punk. However, there is also old rock-and-roll, and pure rock, and rockabilly – 5 albums, there is enough space for experiments. But, regardless of the form, this is frisky music. You cannot sleep when it sounds – at least, if you are not alone then.
Format: mp3, 320 kbps.
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