"Ten years have passed since the events of "The Last Kiss" ("L'Ultimo Bacio"), now the five friends – Carlo, Marco, Adriano, Paolo and Alberto – are forty. However, even after the ten years, they feel unhappy again. In order to somehow change the situation, Carlo and Marco decide to bring back their ex-wives, Adriano – to improve the contact with his son and so it goes in circle, exchanging kisses, slaps, smashing crockery. Italian amorous passions run high due to the specific montage, which critics have dubbed crescendo Muccino, and, sure, beautiful music!"
Production: France, Italy
Director: Gabriele Muccino
Cast: Stefano Accorsi, Vittoria Puccini, Pierfrancesco Favino, Claudio Santamaria
Not recommended for watching by people under 16.
The movie is in Ukrainian, Italian .
Video format - PAL
DVD Region: ALL