The tram ¹9 goes on: The film tells the history of one funny trip in a tram... ("Silver Bear" Award of the Berlin Internationl Film Festival)
A tragic love for unfaithful Nuska: Tragic and comical story about two rural boys falling in love with a local beauty...
Signs: Death pursues us everywhere but it does not mean that one has to be afraid of living... (Winner of the first Ukrainian mobile film festival Djuice mobile movie fest)
A play for three actors: Animation with puppets and marionettes tells the story of life as a theater and people as actors... (Audience Award of San-Paolo Short Films Festival, Best Debute of the Krok International Film Festival)
Taxi-driver: Film0fresco on the background of the fallen into decay city near a port. A taxi-driver falls in love with a young girl-passenger and decides to marry her... (Main Award of te Russian producer's jury of the Kinoshok International Film Festival (Russia))
Next: Optimistic black humor story proves that one's life can change over a few seconds... (Best animation Awards and diplomas of the International Film Festivals Etiuda&Anima (Poland), BIMINI (Latvia), Molodist IFF (Ukraine), OHNE KOH IFF (Austria))
Man with a mobile camera: Dynamic musical-visual illustration of one day in a European metropolitan city... (Winner of the second Ukrainian mobile film festival Djuice mobile movie fest)
The language of movies: original (in Ukrainian and Russian). Subtitles: english.
Video format - PAL.
DVD Region: ALL.