"Drevo", female ensemble from the Kryachkivka village. Bahatoholossja. (live). /mini-pack/. (Polyphony) | | Track Reviews (2) |
Maybe, each of visitors of "Gogol Fest 2008" in Kyiv who managed on that day to attend the concert by the female ensemble "Drevo" from Poltava region – remembered this performance for a long time. And not only because they sang beautifully. Or because they sang songs causing the desire to not only attentively listen to the melodies – for this is, let us not forget, polyphony – but also to the lyrics, often pensive and even severe, but for some reason not burdening. No, not only. The major impression was – from the singers themselves. The way they went out on the scene in bright light of projectors, how they got embarrassed in front of the large audience, how they smiled shyly – and how their singing, sounding of their own voices balanced them. One song, another one, and here it already seems that when performing they appear in some different dimension, fly up in sorrow and tranquility – and they elevate the audience as well. Here the song fades, and in an instant the audience applauds sincerely, without sparing their hands - and these applauses seem to abruptly bring the women back on the scene, under the projectors. Possibly, too abruptly – and again they squint at the light, smile awkwardly. But in another moment a new song starts – and a new splash, new release in tranquility... It was so simple, so honest that it could not but touch. And we hope that the recording of this concert represented here will manage to convey sincerity and simple beauty that filled that evening.
Publisher: Taras Bulba Entertainment Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- "Drevo", female ensemble from the Kryachkivka village
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
Still everyone who is not indifferent to the Western musical tradition in its pro-Celtic variations. Having heard this album. I think. Will not be. Frustrated.
Domestic price: 535.08UAH,
International price: $27.30USD
...this album contains, apart from the rest, songs for Christmas and Easter. However, the objective of that concert program was to demonstrate to Ukrainians the widest possible palette of Georgian singing – so, festive, lyrical, feast, humorous and other songs from various regions of Georgia, instrumental melodies, as well as solo singing could be heard there.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Songs of the full year cycle are intertwined into the whole of the fabric – from winter holidays and up to the harvest time. They are mixed with lyric songs, ballads – but there are also a wedding and a cradle melody, and a few dancing ones. Thus, this disc does not set the purpose to recreate the vision of a specific rite or cycle.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH,
International price: $32.90USD
The album offers to the listener traditional Poltava music of various styles and epochs – without arrangements, in the pure form. Such recordings may grow almost impossible in a very close future. Thus, listen – and do not say that you did not see it.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH,
International price: $32.90USD
22-01-2010 13:33 |
Доброго дня, Андрію,
для прояснення таких питань у нас є скринька: info@umka.com.ua
Вибачте, що доставку не здійснили, але Ви не відповідали на дзвінки кур'єра - телефон був поза зоною досяжності - і назвали дату, після якої доставка була не потрібна. Не змігши зв'язатися - кур'єри повернули нам замовлення.
Звичайно ж, ми ще раз передамо диск до кур'єрської служби. Шкода, що Ви не вийшли на з'вязок раніше.
, Київ, Україна
22-01-2010 12:08 |
вже місяць як я мав би насолоджуватися чудовим співом рідної Батьківщини, та нажаль ваш магазин не виконав свої зобов'язання по доставці замовлення. тому зараз я знаходжусь у глибокому розпачі.
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