This disc is the first in the series "Ethnocultural heritage of the Rivnenske Polissya". Here you can find several groups at once, family groups among them, as well as solo performance of some songs. Till now in Polissya a lot of relic phenomena of Ukrainian culture have been preserved – even notwithstanding the fact that this territory suffered greatly of the consequences of the accident at Chernobyl atom power station. That’s the very reason why those who live there and preserve unique Ukrainian traditions deserve our special gratitude. As well as those who do not save their own efforts in order to bring at least a part of this culture to city-dwellers and to people of other countries – you cannot disregard this heritage. I would also like to add a few words. It is not for the first time that we suggest discs containing the recordings of the song heritage of the Rivnenske Polissya. And as to my particularly biased taste, today this disc is one of the best ones among its blood brothers. By the way, not only because of the variety of performers. This is the variety of roots, the main common feature of which is Ukrainian land.
Publisher: Ethnodisc Catalogue number: CD-032-04 Year: 2004
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