Catalogue -> Folk -> Bandura, Kobza etc

Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. De viter zemlyu holubyt. /premium, digi-pack/. (Where the Wind Cuddles the Land)

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Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. De viter zemlyu holubyt. /premium, digi-pack/. (Where the Wind Cuddles the Land)
"The Bandura Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio" – the creative credo of this small but amazingly brilliant team is coded in this name. Although its main task is to make audio records for the Ukrainian radio Fund (as it is a well-known and unique collection, which reflects the history of Ukrainian culture) the Trio has a surprisingly bright creative biography. The Bandura Trio performances are usually enthusiastically accepted by the audience in various concert halls. This is, of course, thanks to the permanent team leader Malomuzh Tatiana, who managed to establish friendly contacts with the most talented creative contemporary Ukrainian composers: Stepurko, Havrylets, Taranenko, Alzhnyev. This creative work resulted in a very interesting, exclusive repertoire, in which ancient folk songs, the latest jazz compositions and great author's songs are represented. The team is always open to experiments – and that's why it is always interesting to audience. Nowadays, the first generation of its members (A.Cherniy and I.Burkhan) are bringing up their little sons. And the voices of the young artists, Lilia Petrovska and Hanna Cherevyshnyk, joined the team." (information from the official press release)

Publisher: Lavina Music
Year: 2014

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
1. Mp3Three Desires (Try porady)
2.  Standing Under the Pear Tree (Stojala pid hrushkom)
3. Mp3Sere Willow (Sukhaja verba)
4.  Oh, Ivan, Ivanko (Ivane, Ivashen‘ku)
5. Mp3Kiss Me, Sweetheart (Porizala pal‘chyk)
6.  Vesnyanka-Lady (Vesnjanochka-panjanochka)
7. Mp3Night Over Carpathians (Nich nad Karpatamy)
8.  Mother... (Mamo...)
9. Mp3Starlit Night (Zorjana nich)
10.  Why Didn't You Come (Chom ty ne pryyshov)
11. Mp3Oh, Grey Cuckoo, Why Don't You Cry Cuckoo (Oy syvaja zozulen‘ka, chom ty ne kujesh)
12.  Halia Carries the Water (Nese Halja vodu)
13.  Cheerful Boots (Cherevychky)
14. Mp3We Talked and Chattered (Hovoryly-balakaly)
15. Mp3Lullaby for My Daughter Child (Kolyskova dlja doni)
16.  Hutsulka Ksenia (Hutsulka Ksenja)
17.  Happy Vesnyanka (Vesela vesnjanka)
18.  Give Me Blessing, Mother (Blahoslovy, maty)
19.  Come, Spring (Pryydy, vesno)
20.  Blackthorn Blossoms (Ternova ruzha)
21.  Come On, Horses (Hey, krochkom koni)
22.  How Fragrant the Roses Are (Jak chudovo zapakhly trojandy)
23.  Where the Wind Cuddles the Land (De viter zemlju holubyt‘)
 Total playing time: 72:09

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Bandura-Players Trio of the Ukrainian Radio. Melodiji ridnoho kraju. (Melodies of the Native Land)

If we are not mistaken, you now see already the second album by this trio – it's nice. Because you start listening – and immediately you are shrouded by such spring, real magic, that you don't want to say or do anything – only to listen. Still, in sounding of the bandura there is some lightness and clarity, which is able to raise you unnoticed over the earth..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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