Today he is called one of the best bandura players in the world. He is young, but still he is a skilful musician now. He is equally good at singing and playing his instrument. His youth gives special energy and internal space to his performance. I have already thought about that when I was listening to the disc "The Bridge from the Past" on which, among others, the performance of Serhiy Zacharets is recorded. A fresh power, an attentive look and at last talent give sense to things which seem to be constant and that is why may not attract rapt attention for a long time. In such a way the history is changed – it is forgotten. Or, as in the case with kobza playing, it may be made forgotten. But here in front of you there’s a disc "Kobzar monologue". It proves the fact that constant things may change too, as well as changes themselves. In such a way the history is made.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Ethnodisc Catalogue number: CD-027-03 Year: 2003
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Serhiy Zakharec'
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CD1 |
1. |
| Pro pihotyncja (Pro ozivs'kyh brativ) |
2. |
| Molodychka, Savradym, Mlynok |
3. |
| Plach nevil'nykiv |
4. |
 | Oj ty, ptashko
5. |
| Nema v sviti pravdy |
6. |
| Pro svjatoho Jurija |
7. |
 | Oj na hori, na mohyli
8. |
| Pobratavsja sokil |
9. |
| Odarochka |
10. |
| Pro Karmeljuka |
11. |
| Poltavs'kyj marsh |
12. |
 | Vesnjanka
13. |
| Oj litaje sokolon'ko |
14. |
| Kozachky, Tropak, Zaporozhec' |
15. |
| Pro Bondarivnu |
16. |
 | Jihav kozak na vijnon'ku
17. |
| Mav ja raz divchynon'ku |
18. |
| Pro bidu |
19. |
| Pry dorozi zhuk |
| Total playing time: 64:41 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
This is a collection of Christmas songs – and one tends to expect that this kind of albums are unwrapped in an unhurried way, have a kind of enlightened, relaxed moods, or even the "pink syrup". Here – the musicians did it differently. From the first seconds, the percussion unequivocally hints: that will be music with a joyful drive, and so it proves later...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, дніпропетровськ
02-03-2009 16:23 |
Зворушує до глибини душі. Хочеться побачити концертне виконання творів. Сергій має особливу енергетику, він дуже глибокий музикант.
Такий музикант, поза сумнівом, великого серця людина.
, Україна
26-01-2006 11:19 |
Виконання чудове, підбір пісень та музики — також. Приємно, що в Україні є люди, які розвивають давнє кобзарське мистецтво на такому високому рівні. Дуже хотілося б, щоб ці пісні можна було чути по радіо і телебаченню замість тієї недолугої російськомовної попси, яка звідти лунає.
, Bilostok, Polszcza
17-01-2006 19:44 |
Duże cikawyj kompakt!!!
, Ukraine
04-08-2005 21:37 |
Найкраще виконання усім відомих кобзарських композицій, яке я тільки чув. Чесно. Надзвичайно професійне виконання. Це саме те, що зветься найвищим ґатунком.