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Olha Bohomolets, Ihor Zhuk. Nas dvoje. (Two of Us)

Reviews (5)
Olha Bohomolets, Ihor Zhuk. Nas dvoje. (Two of Us)
Albums by Olga Bogomolets have always stood out due to their quiet beauty, but this time the new disc is a step forward as well. Previous works, you should agree, were close to usual bard singing – in the post-Soviet understanding of this word. The album "Two of Us" is the song of a bard that intersects with romance and blues. It means, clear thing, that music here is more complicated, multicolored than guitar or piano accompaniment. But, at the same time, this music is so transparent, almost unnoticeable – but not empty – that you even not at once pay attention to it. It does not admire itself in a mirror – but perfectly supports both the singing, and lyrics, correctly underlines accents, makes the moods and hints more refined. The important role, but – the music stays a little bit in the shadow. Thus, the leading role in the album still belongs not to the notes, but to the words. However, it is not surprising – because poems of, say, Lina Kostenko simply cannot be heard inattentively. And they were evidently selected not casually. Add here a few poems by Igor Zhuk, Iryna Zhylenko, Mykola Vingranovsky and by Olga Bogomolets herself – it is clear that the lyrics here cannot be just a rhymed background. It is beautiful – both in form, and in contents.

Publisher: SAME TAK!
Year: 2006

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Olha Bohomolets
Ihor Zhuk

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1. Mp3Osinnij den'
lyrics: L. Kostenko
2.  Portret
lyrics: I. Zhuk
3. Mp3V pusteli...
lyrics: L. Kostenko
4.  Slova
lyrics: I. Zhuk
5.  Amore, amo
lyrics: L. Kostenko
6.  Scho v nas bulo...
lyrics: L. Kostenko
7. Mp3Ti zhuravli...
lyrics: L. Kostenko
8.  Zakovanyj lycar
lyrics: I. Zhuk
9. Mp3Osvidchennja
lyrics: I. Zhuk
10. Mp3Mavka
lyrics: O. Bohomolec'
11.  Zorjanyj noktjurn №2
lyrics: I. Zhuk
12.  Jalynka
lyrics: L. Kostenko
13.  Zorjanyj noktjurn №3
lyrics: I. Zhuk
14.  Misjachna sonata
lyrics: L. Kostenko
15.  Hajdn. Proschal'na symfonija
lyrics: I. Zhylenko
16.  Adam i Jeva
lyrics: I. Zhuk
17.  Kolyskova
lyrics: M. Vinhranovs'kyj
18.  Lyst z neolitu
lyrics: I. Zhuk
19.  Ruan
lyrics: L. Kostenko
20.  Ljubov Nansena
lyrics: L. Kostenko
21.  Rozpusna vdovycja
lyrics: L. Kostenko
22.  Nas malo
lyrics: I. Zhuk
 Total playing time: 68:37

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Reviews (5)

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