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Jaroslav Hasek. Pryhody bravoho voyaka Shveyka. /sixth edition/. (Adventures of the Good Soldier Svejk)

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Jaroslav Hasek. Pryhody bravoho voyaka Shveyka. /sixth edition/. (Adventures of the Good Soldier Svejk)
"Oh, but he is really as good a warrior as a devil-may-care story-teller, this clever and naive, this foolish and touching Svejk, who (as they have already repeatedly written and drawn) together with other literary titans, such as Hamlet and Don Quixote, is confidently holding our readers' planet.

We hope that our edition of "Svejk" in the classic translation by Stepan Maslyak edited by Ivan Malkovych will capture readers' likings both due to the quality of translation, and the glorious illustrations by Hasek's friend Josef Lada, and to the design, and the democratic price, and the green cover (with a tender soul).
In the epilogue and the editor's address readers will find quite a lot of thrilling facts about Hasek's / Svejk's stay in Ukraine." (information provided by the publishing house)
In Ukrainian
Translation: Stepan Maslyak
Illustrations: Josef Lada
Editing: Ivan Malkovych
Age group: for adults
Type of the edition: premium, hard glossy cover, special paper pleasant for the eye and by touch
Format: 142x216 mm
Number of pages: 736 (jumbo!)
Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, Kyiv

Vstup avtora

Chastyna 1. V tylu

- Bravyy vojak Shveyk vstrjaje u svitovu viynu

- Bravyy vojak Shveyk v upravlinni politsiji

- Shveyk pered sudovymy likarjamy

- Shveyka vykydajut‘ z bozhevil‘ni

- Shveyk u politsiynomu komisariati na Sal‘moviy vulytsi

- Rozirvavshy zacharovane kolo, Shveyk znovu opynyvsja vdoma

- Shveyk jide na viynu

- Sheyk – symuljant

- Shveyk u harnizonniy tjurmi

- Shveyk denshchykom u fel‘dkurata

- Shveyk z fel‘dkuratom jidut‘ pravyty pol‘ovu mesu

- Relihiynyy dysput

- Shveyk jide soboruvaty

- Shveyk denshchykom u nadporuchnyka Lukasha

- Katastrofa

Pisljaslovo do pershoji chastyny "V tylu"

Chastyna 2. Na fronti

- Pryhody Shveyka v pojizdi

- Shveykiv budeyovyts‘kyy anabazys

- Pryhody Shveyka v Kiraligidi

- Novi strazhdannja

- Z Mostu-na-Litavi v naprjamku Sokolja

Chastyna 3. Slavna prochukhanka

- Cherez Uhorshchynu

- U Budapeshti

- Z Hatvana na kordon Halychyny

- Marschieren marsch

Chastyna 4. Prochukhanka tryvaje

- Shveyk u esheloni rosiys‘kykh polonenykh

- Dukhovna rozrada

- Shveyk znovu u svojiy marshoviy roti

Hryhoriy Kochur. Jaroslav Hashek ta yoho roman

Vid redaktora


Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789667047719
Year: 2009

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
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