"These are short, almost meager tales, in which Stefanyk-like passion and the hot Ukrainian history bubble, as well as the present, as if they simultaneously descend from the mountains of the high human spirit and vile meanness, modest sincerity and cruel injustice. These minimalist imagery-based and minimalist stories condense entire sagas of the UKRAINIAN life." In Ukrainian. Type of the edition: hard cover Format: 142x200 mm Number of pages: 319 Publisher: Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, Lviv Contents: - Maria Matios. UKRAJiNS‘KA TERPELYVYTsJa: "Sudit‘ mene ljudy – takym bulo moje zhyttja" Rozdil 1. Bili polotna 1. Mykolay; 2. Rizdvo; 3. Koljada; 4. Strakh; 5. Obnovy; 6. Nauka; 7. Pryhoda; 8. Vytivka; 9. Muzyky ; 10. Osynyy med dykyy; 11. Bili polotna; 12. Husjache vesillja; 13. Pastushka; 14. Blakytni zori; 15. Moloda; 16. Velykodniy koshyk; 17. Vdjachnist‘ Rozdil 2. Chervona nytka 1. Krislo dlja korolevy; 2. Materyns‘kyy bil‘; 3. Nadija; 4. Chervona nytka; 5. Baba Ruzja; 6. Pereselentsi; 7. Vyshnevyy tsvit; 8. Porohy doli; 9. Praznykova kachka; 10. Porozuminnja; 11. Infektsiyna bochka; 12. Chereshni; 13. Zhmenja smikhu; 14. Nichnyy spohad; 15. Rizdvjana nich (fejerija); 16. Chorna Maryna; 17. Dlja neji; 18. Koly rozradon‘ka movchyt‘; 19. Rozpach; 20. Chychulykha; 21. Sestry; 22. Tsisariv son; 23. Mykhas‘kovi paramanchi; 24. Kozhukhy; 25. Kolhosp; 26. Pljutonohyy; 27. Marta; 28. Prezent; 29. Zhuba; 30. Orlytsja Rozdil 3. Bozhi kvity 1. Bozhi kvity; 2. Vchytel‘s‘kyy vykhidnyy; 3. Den‘ ljubovi; 4. Vidlunnja lisu; 5. Petrus‘; 6. Stezhky bolju; 7. Vypadkova zustrich; 8. Oselja dushi; 9. Juzja; 10. Zhinka-rayduha; 11. Neproshchene; 12. Bunt u tempi presto; 13. Vypusknyy; 14. Pizni aystry; 15. Zymova sesija; 16. Ne zdeshnjaja; 17. Mamyna; 18. Perestoroha; 19. Chuzhi; 20. Kucheri-dzvonyky; 21. Real‘nist‘; 22. Bez rozrady; 23. Korotke shchastja; 24. Hirkyy rubizh; 25. Dity viyny; 26. Serezhky; 27. Kostohryz; 28. Prorotstvo; 29. Ochi anhela; 30. Karby zhyttja; 31. Obirvana struna; 32. Ostannja molytva; 33. Jul‘tsja; 34. Toho varta; 35. Tanets‘ lita; 36. Terpelyvytsja; 37. Nerozhadane; 38. Romeo; 39. Na mezhi; 40. Povernennja
Publisher: Staryi Lev Catalogue number: ISBN 9786176790211 Year: 2013
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