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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: Belles-lettres

Maria Matios. Vyrvani storinky z avtobiohrafii. /second edition/. (Torn Out Pages from the Autobiography)

Reviews (2)
"The real time flowing through living human fates, and real people flowing through the fluid time – these are the key motives of the new book by the most popular Ukrainian writer Maria Matios. A digest of a book "inhabited" by lots of known and unknown people and events, which create the historical, psychological, ideological, cultural and household mosaics of the Ukrainian life on the verge of the 20th and the 21st centuries. It is not by chance that the writer herself refers to "The Torn Out Pages..." as "not just an autobiography, but a hundred-percent book about the contemporary and contemporaries"...

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: soft cover

Format: 140x262 mm

Number of pages: 368

Publisher: Piramida, Lviv


Zamist‘ prolohu

"Marichko, vernit‘sja!"

Ne zabyrayte etu bol‘

Ubyte zlo

Jak nas berut‘ na viyny

Skriz‘ buv boh

Moja solodka Bukovyna

Ja saper, a ne miner istoriji


Moji vchyteli

Moja persha vchytel‘ka

Moja familija

Vesillja mojikh didiv

Moji bat‘ky

- Tato

- Mama

- Tato

- Bat‘ky i dity

- Zhyttja skladajet‘sja z detaley

- Oda

A tse nazyvajet‘sja dolja

Na tatoviy otechchyni

- Grun‘ Jakoviychukove v konteksti suchasnosti

- Vodiy dlja prezydenta

- Vashyljuk

- Nishcho ne je vypadkovym

Roztoky: myr, viyna. I ljudy

Rika ostann‘oji daraby

...chy slovo obyraje tebe?

"...i vyhnannja jikh iz sil"

Chom? Chom! Chom... Zemle! Moja?!

- Zamist‘ epilohu

- Gazdy

- Zemlja – zavzhdy boyovyshche

- ...I trokhy beletrystyky

- Daju vam pole... konja... i dobru sovist‘

- "...I domashni rechi – 1489 shtuk"

- "Ja ne vynen, shcho vlada ljubyt‘ khodyty na kryvykh nohakh"

- Did... babka... titka... i vsi Roztoky

- Kazhit‘ meni, jak budemo zhyty dali?!

- "Neljuba ty meni?.."

Moji pershi zarobitky

6 hodyn do mavzoleju

Iz students‘kykh rokiv

Nashi spil‘ni universytety

Shche pro moje studentstvo i ne til‘ky


- "Ja yoho mama..."

- Volodymyr Ivasyuk

- Ljustratsija sovisti

- ...Samymy matjukamy (Mykhaylo Ivasyuk)

Iz zapysiv riznykh rokiv

- Rasskaz yz zhyzny heroja Ukrayny

- Tsenzura

- Seminarija

- Serhiy Jesenin. Konstantinovo

- Jepyskop na kolinakh

- Krujiz krajinamy Chornoho morja

- Monashky z Mukachivs‘koho monastyrja

- Klub tvorchoji intelihentsiji

Kyjiv: Pid dakhom tr‘okh Tjutjunnykiv i Lukasha

Musyv buty i Dzjuba, musyv buty i Stus

Suvorova, 3

Zhizel‘ zi shvabroju

Konspekt dokumental‘noji povisti-dylohiji

Jevhen Marchuk: "Polityky nikoly ne vyperedzhaly poetiv i myslyteliv"

Chotyry prezydenty Ukrajiny

- Leonid Kuchma

- Viktor Jushchenko

- Revers 2006 roku

- Viktor Janukovych

Ivan Dzjuba z Donbasu

Nepot‘mjanile pero z biloho ptakha (Bohdan Stupka)

Pavlo Zahrebel‘nyy: pro "Solodku Darusju"

Ivan Zvychok. Spravzhniy i vyhadanyy

Iz promovy pislja prem’jery vystavy "Solodka Darusja" na stolychniy stseni teatru im. I. Franka

Mozhe, to miy djad‘ko konfetku Darusi dav

Hutsul-snayper na prizvyshche Ivanov

Lyst do redaktsiji hazety "Sil‘s‘ki visti" 2001 roku

Koly Napoleon okupuvav Viden‘

Vasyl‘ Kozheljanko

Marija Matios: "Zhyttja korotke, shchob kazaty "ni" – sovisti i strazhdannju"

Dmytro Tabachnyk

Volodymyr Javorivs‘kyy

Dereva zhyttja i pam’jatnyky smerti

- Park barona Vasyl‘ka

Kaminni hospodari Avstriji, Rumuniji i reshty

Ukrajina vid lukavoho

- Ukrajina bezdumna

- Ukrajina dekoratyvna

- Ukrajina demontovana

- Ukrajina nebezpechna

- Ukrajina peredvyborna

Jak vypovnyt‘sja Vam 80 rokiv

Iz zapysiv "Serdechnoji ljutosti"


Poky je ti, chyje zhyttja vyprobovujet‘sja sertsem i chestju, ja ne vtomljusja pro nykh pysaty

1. Uspikh – tse tryvalist‘ u chasi y Pratsja

2. Svojim pys‘mom ja ne maju prava zashkodyty

3. Ja ta, shcho rozmotuje bynty z oblychchja mynuloho

4. Jakshcho je na sviti bezodni – khtos‘ maje pobuvaty na jikhn‘omu dni

5. Zaraz duzhe vyhidnyy chas dlja viyny, a ne dlja osvity

6. Ljubov – tse vidvaha

Tezy (do vystupu na prezentatsiji knyzhky "Natsyja" i "Darusja sladkaja" u Moskvi, lystopad 2007 roku)

Ta ne odnakovo meni

I vse-taky – ne navpaky

Zamist‘ epilohu

Publisher: Piramida
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664411766
Year: 2010

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Maria Matios

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See also:

Halyna Pahutyak. Sentymentalni mandrivky Halychynoyu ta inshi istorii. A Travel Book. (Sentimental Travels in Galicia and Other Stories)

A new, supplemented edition of travel notes by Halyna Pahutyak. On the path of an unusual journey deep into history, the writer attempts to unravel the mystery of the town of Lebedyn near Lviv that disappeared, and to comprehend the tragedy of the cholera epidemic that resulted in burning of ghouls..
Domestic price: 488.04UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Khrystia Vengrynyuk. Narodzhuvatysya i pomyraty vzutymy. (To Be Born and to Die Booted)

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Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Oksana Zabuzhko. Pislya tretioho dzvinka vkhid do zaly zaboronyaetsya. (After the third ring, no one will be seated)

A collection of the brightest pieces of small prose covering the last three decades. The book ends with a new, recently completed long story, where a drama of misunderstanding between a mother and daughter turns out a peculiar outcome of the history of an entire generation – "a delayed war generation."
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Zoya Kazanzhi. Schos take yak lyubov. (Something Like Love)

The word most often used in the stories is "life", and this is understandable. After all, life, they say, is like a long field: one cannot cross it without pricking one's feet. Therefore, the author picks up the life stories where every character experiences unavoidable wounds, however, they also discover the way of healing them. With love.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Kateryna Babkina. Schaslyvi holi lyudy. (Happy and Naked People)

These are stories about generations of Ukrainians part of whose life took place during the soviet realities and the ruin after that, who grew up and got stronger as well as they could; about how these people live now and interact with the world, where there is war, love and emigration, Hanoi and New York, the dead, the living, the blind, and those lacking wisdom.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Polina Zherebtsova. Tonka sriblysta nyt. (The Thin Silvery Thread)

The thin silvery thread is not just an image, but a symbol of death. Insidious like death itself, because it can only be disclosed by an unexpected ray of sunshine – and then it will gleam maliciously, because the victim escapes. Polina Zherebtsova's new book speaks about the two Chechen wars in a strict and unsentimental way, and thus it touches the depths of human consciousness..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Iryna Tsilyk. Chervoni na chornomu slidy. (Red On Black Trails)

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Elfriede Jelinek. Smert i diva I-V. The Drama of Princesses. (Death and the Maiden)

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Irena Karpa. Pysmennytsya, spivachka, mandrivnytsya. (Writer, Singer, Traveler)

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Halyna Pahutyak. Kozhen den' – inshyj. A Diary. (Every Day is Different)

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Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Reviews (2)

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The Order of the Silent
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International: $19.90USD
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International: $22.90USD