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Mykhaylo Yatskiv. Chorni kryla. (Black Wings)

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Mykhaylo Yatskiv. Chorni kryla. (Black Wings)
"Living in the times of Franko, Stefanyk, Kobylyanska, Mykhaylo Yatskiv managed to create his original power field in the Ukrainian prose of the early twentieth century and elevate it to the global level. He managed to synthesize and redefine the in-depth folk styles, achievements of the domestic literature, and the latest Western European trends. The word rhythms and the depths of meanings of the three small prose collections represented here present the Lviv charismatic, whose texts do not age, as if canvases by ancient masters."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x240 mm
Number of pages: 192
Publisher: Piramida, Lviv

- Oksana Melnyk. Symvolizm jak vyprobuvannja mezh: mizh kazkoju i smertju


- Hrikh ne vse vyyde na javu... \\ Odna divchyna ljubyla lizhko... \\ Ljubim shchyre slovo... \\ Pryjatel‘ domu... \\ Hosti \\ Pryyshla z dalekoho sela... \\ Vnesly yoho na noshakh... \\ Ditocha hrud‘ u skryptsi \\ Pehas \\ Dytyna \\ Smereka \\ Litn‘oho poludnja lezhav ja... \\ Khlop'ja kupajet‘sja v ritsi... \\ Rehit trupa \\ Portret \\ Ditocha tayna \\ Zvela z dorohy \\ Kazka pro persten‘ \\ Zhab'jachyy pokhoron \\ Napast‘ \\ Po dorozi \\ Lisovyy dzvin \\ Vidnova na porokhni \\ Buz‘ok \\ Horobtsi \\ Povernennja \\ Blahoslovennja \\ Serp \\ Poema dolyn \\ Dolja moloden‘koji Muzy \\ Mal‘ovanyy strilets‘ \\ Bila kvitka \\ Z monastyrja \\ Kedryna bude rosty, zemlja osjade shyroko, lysh cholovik zahyne


- Divchyna na chornim koni \\ Jakiv Morenga \\ Tykhyy svit \\ Sontse zapadaje \\ Za horoju \\ Zerno hirchytsi \\ Tini sered tiney \\ Vechirni zbytky \\ Oy, ne khody, Hrytsju \\ Adonay i Berbera \\ Doriys‘ke pidsinnja \\ Kartyna z dnevnyka \\ Pokhyla vezha \\ Borot‘ba z holovoju \\ Otse ja znov na chuzhyni


- Zhuravli \\ Mrija virla \\ Bilyy konyk \\ Poshtylion \\ Polk Oyzijena \\ Adagio consolante \\ Yons‘ka koljumna \\ Budivlja korabliv \\ Orlykivna \\ De pravda? \\ Psarnja

- Prymitky

- Slovnychok malozrozumilykh sliv

Publisher: Piramida
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664414361
Year: 2017

Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
See also:

Zenon Tarnavsky. Doroha na Vysoky Zamok. (The Road to the High Castle)

Zenon Tarnavsky.. along with his inseparable friend, writer Bohdan Nyzhankivsky – created the fascinating myth about the Lviv of the 1930's and 1940's. The publication is based on Tarnavsky's book "The Road to the High Castle" and his works on the over-arching themes of Lviv, the theater, and the liberation struggle. The annex contains the writer's first publications.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Bohdan Nyzhankivsky. Vulytsya. (The Street)

The Lviv street in the 1930's and 1940's – hooligans, thieves, lovers, gangsters, and underground figures – this is the habitat of Bohdan Nizhankivsky's urban prose with the specific tongue of the city scum. At the same time, his works fascinate with the nostalgic sentiment..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Stepan Levynsky. Vid Vezuvia do piskiv Sakhary. Z yaponskoho domu. Skhid i Zakhid. (From Vesuvius to Sahara Sands. From the Japanese Home. East and West)

Writer and traveler Stepan Levynsky was known in Galicia as the author of talented travel essays about travels to the Middle and Far East. Levynsky's books, especially "East and West", are valuable contributions to the Ukrainian travel literature of the early twentieth century – interesting and distinctive publications permeated with lyricism and philosophy..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Letilo 40 sorok... Literary Anecdotes. (40 Magpies Flew)

It is the first time when a publication presents a complete collection of literary anecdotes about famous Ukrainian writers, artists, politicians, art and socio-political events of the 1920-30s. They are organically supplemented with cartoons and caricatures from Lviv humorous and satirical magazines of 1921-1939..
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Lviv... Lvivyanky... Lyubov... (Lviv... Lviv Women... Love...)

The new anthology has a strong gender bias: all of its authors are women. Having various characters and attachments, styles and preferences, aspirations and achievements, experiences and professions. But all of them have been budding on the family tree of the City That Is Loved...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Knyha Leva: Lviv yak tekst. Lviv Prose Underground of the 1970-80ies. (The Lion's Book: Lviv as Text)

The anthology proposed to the readers encourages understanding of Lviv as text and presents prose and essays of the second half of 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries by such original authors as Sodomora, Bichuya, Andrukhovych, Neborak et al., and fully represents for the first time Lviv prose underground of the 1970-80-ies.
Domestic price: 370.44UAH, International price: $18.90USD

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