Volodymyr Rutkivsky. Dzhury-kharakternyky. /second edition/. (Harakternyk Armor-Bearers) | | Track Reviews (2) |
"Harakternyk Armor-Bearers" is the second book of the thrilling historic trilogy by the leading modern Ukrainian writer Volodymyr Rutkivsky. In the new action novel, readers will meet their favorite characters from the previous novel "Armor-Bearers of Cossack Shvayka" – the young harakternyk Sanko and his true friend Hrytsyk. The boys have grown up, matured, and now they take part in military exercises together with adult Cossacks as equals. Another hotshot character appears in the novel – the small harakternyk Telesyk with his gang of children. And danger still waits for them at every step..." In Ukrainian. Illustrations: Maksym Palenko Age group: for children of the junior and middle school age Type of the edition: hard glossy cover Format: 145x215 mm Number of pages: 448 Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, Kyiv Contents: - Khto ty, Karachobane? - Khan Menhli-Hirey - Vorozhbyts‘ke zhyttja - Busol pryhoshchaje hostja - Hospodar Dnipra - Zymivnyk Demka Manjuni - Superechka - Susidy - Zhenykhannja - Vasyl‘ Lemish - Hrytsykiv zadum - Satanyns‘kyy hryb - U tabori - Jasyr - Voyovnycha Zhdana - U Rashyta - U kaysats‘kykh pazurakh - Visti z Dnipra - Spovid‘ Khasana - Sajid-murza poshyvsja v durni - I znovu Voronivka - Ponad Dniprom - Sutychka bilja Perevalochnoji - Cherkastsi - Khan Mamay ta inshi - Porohy - Za porohamy - Vidrizani skybky - Persha sutychka - Telesykovi rozvahy - U stepu - Hospodar Dnipra prykhodyt‘ na pomich - Doroha do Krymu - Nevil‘nyts‘kyy rynok - Biy na perepravi - Strata - Vovkulats‘kyy slid - Vitryla v stepu - Na dopomohu! - Dnipro horyt‘ - Epiloh
Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Catalogue number: ISBN 9789667047931 Year: 20012
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- Volodymyr Rutkivsky
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
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All of us know the names of Severyn Nalyvayko, Bogdan Khmelnytsky, Ivan Mazepa. And who were the first Cossacks? Where did they come from? Answers to these questions you will find in the new action historical novel by Volodymyr Rutkivsky – one of the most outstanding modern Ukrainian writers for children.
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12-01-2012 12:50 |
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, Киев
12-01-2012 08:48 |
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