Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: for Children

Stefan Nederytsa. Moji pershi muzychni vrazhennya. /re-edition/. (My First Music Experience)

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"The volume is intended for the youngest (0 to 5 years old). The book is released in three languages: Ukrainian, Russian, and English (these are, actually, illustrations with captions, like an ABC).
This book is an exclusive edition for baby Angels. Note: in the book, you will find a code word, which will allow you to download free music accompaniment to the book from the publishing house's website: the album containing the same pieces by Mozart as contained on the disc for pregnant women. The only difference is that here these pieces are performed with instruments having the highest-frequency sound range (the glockenspiel, flute, piano, harp), thus further increasing the positive impact of the Music on the infant's brain cells. Moreover, these instruments have the peculiar pitch of sound that recreates the FAIRY TALE world where the child stayed for the 9 months..." Stephan Nederytsya

A literature and arts publications to be read by adults for children. You can look through some of the artwork here:
The book recited by Olha Hura.
In Ukrainian / Russian / English
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 200x200 mm, illustrated edition
Number of pages: 25
Publisher: Nederytsa S., Kyiv

1. Bird \\ 2. Toll \\ 3. Rooster \\ 4. Duck \\ 5. Piglet \\ 6. Cow \\ 7. Sheep \\ 8. Dog \\ 9. Cat \\ 10. Horse \\ 11. Storm \\ 12. Train \\ 13. Sea \\ 14. Bees \\ 15. Snowstorm \\ 16. Dolphins \\ 17. Whales \\ 18. Grasshopper \\ 19. Waterfall \\ 20. Laughing baby \\ 21. Music \\ 22. Applause

Publisher: CLASSICA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789662522068
Year: 2013

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Stefan Nederytsa

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  - Slova
  - Zapytannja ta vidpovidi
  - Muzyka: Efekt Motsarta dlja novonarodzhenykh:
1. Mp3Uvertjura do opery "Odruzhennja Fiharo"
2. Mp3Sonata dlja f-no ¹ 16. Chastyna 2. Andante (holosy del‘finiv)
3. Mp3Sonata dlja f-no ¹ 16. Chastyna 2. Andante
4.  Kontsert dlja f-no y orkestru ¹ 17. Chastyna 3. Allegretto
5.  Symfonija ¹ 40. Chastyna 1. Allegro molto
6. Mp3Rondo dlja skrypky ta orkestru. S-Dur
7.  Kontsert dlja f-no ta orkestru ¹ 20. Chastyna 2
8. Mp3Sonata dlja f-no A-Dur. Chastyna 3. "Turets‘kyy marsh" (zvuky tsvirkuniv)
9.  Sonata dlja f-no A-Dur. Chastyna 3. "Turets‘kyy marsh"
10.  Kontsert dlja f-no ta orkestru ¹ 21. Chastyna 2 (zvuky morja)
11. Mp3Kontsert dlja f-no ta orkestru ¹ 21. Chastyna 2
12.  Sonata dlja f-no ¹ 16. Chastyna 1. Allegro
 Total playing time: 76:12

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Nina Naydych. Son Marynky. (Marynka's Dream)

In her dream, a little girl finds herself in a fairy-tale country, and there she gets acquainted with musical instruments of the symphony orchestra. The book contains the code with which you can download the edition's soundtrack.
Domestic price: 180.60UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Svitlana Polischuk. Yavyscha pryrody. /book+coloring book/. (Nature Phenomena)

This book is unusual. Because your kid will not only get acquainted with natural phenomena (the poems by Svitlana Polishchuk speak about them), but will also hear the way they sound! Perhaps, you will also discover the completely new, previously unknown, world of music and nature..
Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Tetiana Zholtikova. Kraplynka Toshka ta kytenya Hoshka. Musical Fairy Tale. (Droplet Toshka and Kitten Hoshka)

The book is intended for the youngest readers/listeners, aged from 0 to 6. The tale introduces the child to the varied natural water world and teaches the child love for the environment: plants, animals, water, people... Since Classica publishing house is a music publisher, the book contains music accompaniment.
Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Kyrylo Halushko. Peoples, Ethnic Groups, Nations... Find Any Differences. The "Likbez-Abetka" series.

Knowing differences among the concepts of "ethnic group", "people", "nation" is essential not only for understanding events of the past, but also to realize the logic of contemporary political and social processes. In the book, the reader will find answers to the questions that often arise in everyday life not only among ordinary citizen...
Domestic price: 138.60UAH, International price: $9.90USD

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