And another surprise: the book hides English words. Look for them – and find out how fruits and vegetables sound in English. Bon appetit for your reading, listening and consumption!"
Note: in the book, you will find a code word, which will allow you to download free music accompaniment to the book from the publishing house's website.
Thus, the new children's book by Stepan Nederytsya is a set containing the following:
1. color book of poems by Svitlana Polishchuk, in which the names of fruits and vegetables are presented in Ukrainian and in English
2. coloring album by Olena Makarenko depicting the fruits-vegetables-berries contained in the main book
3. option of free downloading music accompaniment to the book developed by Stepan Nederytsya
You can look through some of the artwork here
In Ukrainian.
Illustrations: Olena Makarenko
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 210x300 mm, illustrated edition
Publisher: Nederytsa S., Kyiv