Those who have not read or have read and forgot, I will remind that the adventures take place in a specialised forest music school with the bear language of instruction arranged in the Fairy Forest by Mr Bear Well-Toned Ear.
My restless heroes could keep themselves within the limits of The Unusual Adventures in a Forest School and urged me to write new and new adventure stories, and that's what I actually did... Now you are welcome to the new fairy series. You are their first readers!" Vsevolod Nestayko
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard glossy cover
Format: 205x260 mm
Number of pages: 160
Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, Kyiv
1. Charivna kvitka Son
2. Tajemnytsja Babaniji Borysivny
3. Treti vukha
4. Sonja-Sonechko
5. Kachechka Krjachechka i Divchynka Khvylynka
6. Berezantiy i Karkaron Karkovorons‘kyy
7. Son jizhachka Kol‘ka Koljuchky
8. Khvoroba Behemota Hipopotamovycha
9. Telebaba Jaha i Feja Knyzhana
10. Khykhotun Khykhotunovych i Roslynka-Veselynka
11. Sekret Materynky
12. Rajiska Mnjau i Kul‘hav Sobachyns‘kyy
13. Tsipa i Protychar Ivanovych
14. Shapka Dida Moroza
15. Chaklun-Zhartun-Perevertun
16. Zharko Koljuchka i Tropikan
17. Suchok-Lisovychok i ljal‘kar Heras‘ko
18. Nespodivanyy svyst
19. Jak my rjatuvaly Khrjusju Kabanjuk
20. Dobroday i Charomriy
21. Frehat "Koljuchka"
22. Marichka-medsestrychka i khvoro-baba Zarazhalija
23. Na balu kvitiv
24. Zakljuchnyy kontsert