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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 502.60UAH
International: $35.90USD
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: (self)Education

Carlo Rovelli. 7 osnovnykh urokiv z fizyky. (7 Brief Lessons on Physics)

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Carlo Rovelli. 7 osnovnykh urokiv z fizyky. (7 Brief Lessons on Physics)
"Carlo Rovelli brings readers closer to understanding the basics of the general relativity theory, the majestic architecture of the Universe and the physics of elementary particles, quantum mechanics and quantum gravity, the mysteries that make theoretical physicists work hard to solve. The author makes his story bright and intelligent, aiming at the main goal: the science of the Universe cannot be boring. And wonders of this Universe are really thrilling..."
Translated from English by Anita Luis
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x165 mm
Number of pages: 96
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv

- Peredmova

UROK 1. Nayprekrasnisha z teoriy

UROK 2. Kvant

UROK 3. Arkhitektura Vsesvitu

UROK 4. Chastynky

UROK 5. Zernyny kosmosu

UROK 6. Ymovirnist‘, chas i teplo chornykh dir

- Na zavershennja: Khto my je?

Publisher: BookClub
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786171215023
Year: 2016

Domestic price: 222.60UAH
International price: $15.90USD
See also:

Roman Malenkov. Svitova spadschyna UNESCO v Ukrajini: putivnyk. (UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine: the guidebook)

According to a number of clear criteria, UNESCO has identified 7 main natural and cultural sites of Ukraine and included them in the World Heritage List. In addition, there is a list of candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List – in Ukraine there are 17 such sites. The guidebook will tell about all of them.
Domestic price: 432.60UAH, International price: $30.90USD

Tamara Martseniuk. "Zakhysnyky halaktyky": vlada i kryza v cholovichomu sviti. ("Defenders of the Galaxy": the power and crisis in the male world)

How do men see themselves and how do others see them, what is expected and required of them, why can we now talk about a crisis of masculinity – Tamara Martsenyuk offers answers to these and lots of other questions..
Domestic price: 432.60UAH, International price: $30.90USD

Roman Klochko. Domivka dlya mynuloho. About museums, history, and arts. (Home for the Past)

This collection of stories invites readers to the backstage of various museums and speaks about how they operate. What was the discovery that helped decipher ancient Egyptian inscriptions? What are the scenes depicted on the legendary Scythian pectoral about? Look in the book for answers to all of these questions..
Domestic price: 236.60UAH, International price: $16.90USD

F.X.S.Maneiro, M.Bergna. Odnakovi chy rizni? Genomics. (Same or Different?)

The book speaks about DNA, genome, and genes – some of the most mysterious phenomena of the modern science. Do you know that all of us, living beings, have a cellular language in common? This means that us – humans and plants – once had a common ancestor. But what makes us so different?
Domestic price: 236.60UAH, International price: $16.90USD

Dyvovyzhni ihry z paperom ta ruchkoyu. (Amazing Pen & Paper Games)

Imagine that a pen is your magic wand, and let's go and work true magic! The marine battle, crosses and circles and their three-dimensional version, racing cars, triangular battles, conquests of colors, building bridges, and a whole bunch of other different puzzles. All you need is paper and a pen!
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Serhiy and Oleksiy Parnovsky. Yak vlashtovano Vsesvit. An Introduction to Modern Cosmology. (How the Universe is Organized)

Where did the Universe start, and is it finite? How has it been developing and what is happening to it now, are laws of physics the same everywhere in the Universe? In this book, you will be introduced to a short course on the history and the current status of cosmology – the science about the Universe and the place of mankind in it..
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Nikola Tesla. Moi vynakhody. An autobiography. (My Inventions) will learn about outstanding capacities of the young Tesla, about his work on himself, first attempts and greatest achievements, as well as about his thoughts of the world and development of the civilization. You will discover here some interesting predictions about the future, some of them have only just begun to come true.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Harris G.E. Chy mozhe bdzhola vzhalyty bdzholu? Big Questions from Little People answered by some very Big People. (Can A Bee Sting A Bee?)

The book's authors are leading experts in various fields of sciences, arts, and sports. It will assist you in thrillingly telling little whyers about everything in the world. What am I made from? How does a lightning appear? How do people fall in love? Who invented chocolate? Where do writers borrow ideas?..
Domestic price: 222.60UAH, International price: $15.90USD

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Taras Pastukh. Polumja vidihrije pamjat... Memories of Oleh Lysheha. (Flames Will Warm Up the Memory)
Memories of Oleh Lysheha
Domestic: 460.60UAH
International: $32.90USD
Yaroslav Faizulin. Istorija.UA: postati, fakty, versiji. (History.UA: figures, facts, versions)
History.UA: figures, facts, versions
Domestic: 474.60UAH
International: $33.90USD
Roman Malenkov. Svitova spadschyna UNESCO v Ukrajini: putivnyk. (UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine: the guidebook)
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ukraine: the guidebook
Domestic: 432.60UAH
International: $30.90USD
Tanya Sha, MuzBat. Kolyskova vid Tata. /song book+CD/. (Dad's Lullaby)
Dad's Lullaby. /song book+CD
Domestic: 0.00UAH
International: $0.00USD