"Carlo Rovelli brings readers closer to understanding the basics of the general relativity theory, the majestic architecture of the Universe and the physics of elementary particles, quantum mechanics and quantum gravity, the mysteries that make theoretical physicists work hard to solve. The author makes his story bright and intelligent, aiming at the main goal: the science of the Universe cannot be boring. And wonders of this Universe are really thrilling..."
Translated from English by Anita Luis
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x165 mm
Number of pages: 96
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv
- Peredmova
UROK 1. Nayprekrasnisha z teoriy
UROK 2. Kvant
UROK 3. Arkhitektura Vsesvitu
UROK 4. Chastynky
UROK 5. Zernyny kosmosu
UROK 6. Ymovirnist‘, chas i teplo chornykh dir
- Na zavershennja: Khto my je?