A publication of visual illustrations and concise rules, examples of application, and useful articles. This book was created with the dream of that one day it will be fashionable in Ukraine to know several languages, and speak Ukrainian. A publication for those who:
- speak Ukrainian and wants to improve their skills;
- seek to prevent erroneous word usage;
- want to learn new phraseologisms and synonyms;
- try to avoid using phrases and expressions not characteristic of the Ukrainian speech tradition."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 145x213 mm
Number of pages: 288, illustrated
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv
Rozdil 1. Antysurzhyk
Rozidl 2. Naholos
Rozdil 3. Paronimy, omonimy
Rozdil 4. Synonimy
Rozdil 5. Pravopys
Rozdil 6. Frazeolohizmy
Rozdil 7. Tsikavynky