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Oleksandr Avramenko. 100 ekspres-urokiv ukrainskoi. (100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian)

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Oleksandr Avramenko. 100 ekspres-urokiv ukrainskoi. (100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian)
"This pocket manual contains 100 express lessons that in a simple form teach rules of the modern Ukrainian language. It will help you to speak Ukrainian more confidently and competently. "By creating this book, I had the idea of presenting in an easy and entertaining way common errors both in private communication and official one", the author says, "I suggest to you the short lessons with illustrations that facilitate better memorization of standards of the modern Ukrainian language".
For a wide range of readers. The book is in the convenient "pocket" format.
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: soft cover
Format: 102x152 mm
Number of pages: 192, illustrated
Publisher: #knyholav, Kyiv

- Vid avtora

1. Protjahom chy na protjazi? 2. Zakryvaty-vidkryvaty chy inakshe? 3. Pershyy mlynets‘ nanivets‘!

4. Kydajet‘sja v ochi lyshe ljute koshenja, jake mozhe jikh vydrjapaty! 5. V Ukrajini chy na Ukrajini? 6. Zastavljaty chy prymushuvaty?

7. Bez desjaty sim chy za desjat‘ s‘oma? 8. Ne kupuyte v rozstrochku! 9. Ne chuju dzvonu chy dzvona?

10. Uzhyvajut‘ pihulky pislja jidy chy pislja jizhi? 11. Tsyhanka hadaje chy vorozhyt‘? 12. Zdacha chy reshta? Mjeloch‘ chy dribni?

13. Chy mozhut‘ sportsmeny zaymatysja hrebleju? 14. Chomu ne vidminjajut‘ pohani zakony? 15. Chomu hramotni ljudy ne prahnut‘ otrymuvaty osvitu?

16. Posadka na pojizd prodovzhujet‘sja chy tryvaje? 17. Hryvna chy hryvnja? 18. Chomu nikoly ne treba vybachatysja?

19. Maslo chy olija? 20. Ne zvertaytesja do dyrektora na rakhunok vidpustky! 21. Ne svjatkuyte p'jatydesjatylittja!

22. Shcho take vylytsi? 23. Chym lytka vidriznjajet‘sja vid homilky? 24. Chy mozhna vitaty z nastupajuchym svjatom?

25. Z 1 do 5 chervnja chy po 5 chervnja? 26. Zustrinemosja 2017 roku chy u 2017 rotsi? 27. Uchast‘ berut‘ chy pryymajut‘?

28. Pro ljesnichnu ploshchadku i zamochnu skvazhynu 29. Chy potriben propusk mizh initsialamy? 30. Nikoly i nikomu ne zadavayte pytan‘

31. Try fakhivtsja chy try fakhivtsi? 32. Ne postupayte v universytet 33. Udar po vorotam – i promazav!

34. Shcho take perchatky? 35. Zmerznuty i zamerznuty 36. Lozha, lozhe, lodzhija

37. vYpadok chy vypAdok? 38. Den‘ vidkrytykh chy vidchynenykh dverey? 39. Menshe "pokayte"

40. Vy ljubyte rybalku chy rybolovlju? 41. Skhody za khlibom chy po khlib? 42. Hraty y graty – ne te same

43. Jak zvernutysja do neznayomoji ljudyny? 44. Chy pravyl‘no tak skazaty: "Vy dobre vyhljadajete"? 45. Ljubov do Sirka

46. Ne ljahayte bilja odynadtsjatoji nochi spaty 47. VidnEsty chy vidnestY? 48. Baton i pivukrajins‘koho

49. Pytannja chy zapytannja? 50. Chomu VYSh, a ne VUZ? 51. PrOshu chy proshU?

52. Kina ne bude 53. Ljublju chy kokhaju? 54. Ne dyvljachys‘ na chy nezvazhajuchy na?

55. Djakujuchy chy zavdjaky starannju? 56. Minimarket chy mini-market? 57. Midni kopIyky chy kopiykY?

58. Staty v nahodi chy v pryhodi? 59. Koly "vy" treba pysaty z velykoji litery? 60. Chypsy y aspiryn

61. Nevzhe pialA? 62. Poverkhnevi znannja chy poverkhovi? 63. Plitky poshyrjujut‘ chy rozpovsjudzhujut‘?

64. Brjuky chy shtany? 65. Kopitkyy chy kropitkyy? 66. U stepu i khrushch – m'jaso!

67. Protsent chy vidsotok? 68. Z povahoju... Vitaliy Klychko 69. VyshYvanka chy vyshyvAnka?

70. Jikh chy jikhniy hamanets‘? 71. Zhylyy chy zhytlovyy budynok? 72. Ty majesh ratsiju, a ja – telefon

73. Sholudyve porosja y u Petrivku merzne 74. Khiba putivky buvajut‘ "horjashchymy"? 75. Pereklad – velyke mystetstvo

76. Shchob rybu jisty, treba u vodu lizty 77. "Vzhrustnulos‘..." – jak skazaty ukrajins‘koju? 78. Kokhayte odne odnoho!

79. Prodavshchytsja chy prodavchynja? 80. Dyrektor – dyrektorka 81. Ihorovych chy Ihorevych?

82. KilOmetr chy kilomEtr? 83. Sto hram chy sto hramiv? 84. Chy ukrajins‘ke slovo "zhdaty"?

85. Chy treba stavyty krapku pislja zaholovka? 86. Nikoly ne vidmichayte juvilejiv! 87. Z Londonu chy z Londona?

88. Jak pravyl‘no nazyvaty odne z naybil‘shykh khrystyjans‘kykh svjat – Paskha chy Velykden‘?

89. Ukrajins‘koju, po-ukrajins‘ky chy po-ukrajins‘komu? 90. Chy mozhe vulytsja nosyty im'ja? 91. Koly mozhna smijatysja nad druhom?

92. Vybyraty chy obyraty? 93. Z druhoho boku chy z inshoho boku? 94. Lavka chy kramnytsja?

95. Riven‘ velykyy chy vysokyy? 96. Maty chy matir? 97. Shchaslyvi tata chy taty?

98. Navchatysja muzyky chy muzytsi? 99. Po chetverham chy po chetverhakh? 100. Khto krayniy chy ostanniy?

Publisher: #knyholove
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789669761002
Year: 2016

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Oleksandr Avramenko

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See also:

Oleksandr Avramenko. 100 ekspres-urokiv ukrainskoi. Part 2. (100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian)

This pocket book, which is continuation of the already known guide, "100 Express Lessons of the Ukrainian", contains one hundred linguistic stories, questions, and illustrations that in an accessible form teach standards of the modern Ukrainian language.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Oleksandr Avramenko. Oksana Tyschenko. Ukrainska mova. Spelling in tables, test assignments. (Ukrainian language)

The manual contains information on spelling and punctuation presented in the form of tables; multi-level reproductive and creative exercises; test assignments; keys to the tests are attached at the end of the book. The publication is intended to increase the level of spelling literacy, as well as for quality training of students.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Nadiya Babych. Kultura fakhovoho movlennya. A manual. (The Culture of the Professional Speech)

The manual contains examples of modern common and specialized documents describing the requirements for their execution; it highlights the common linguistic issues: complicated cases of usage and inflection of words, the ethics and aesthetics in language, information on the history of language, the concept of functional styles, and more.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

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