Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: (self)Education

Thich Nhat Hahn. Spokiy u kozhnomu krotsi. (Peace is Every Step)

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Thich Nhat Hahn. Spokiy u kozhnomu krotsi. (Peace is Every Step)
"Thich Nhat Hahn, a renowned Buddhist monk and mentor, speaks about going back to one's self, about conscious breathing, smiling, meditation, and the need for immediate perception of reality. And he reminds us that unity with another person and with the entire world is not only a recipe for behaving in difficult situations, but also a lifelong strategy that can help overcome insecurity, anger, and depression, as well as proactively assist people."
Translated from English by Iryna Novitska
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 130x200 mm
Number of pages: 128
Publisher: Terra Incognita, Lviv


- Peredmova

- Vstupne slovo

ChASTYNA 1: Dykhay! Ty zhyvyy

\\ 24 tsilkom novi hodyny \\ U kul‘babky svoja usmishka \\ Usvidomlene dykhannja \\ Tsja myt‘ – dyvovyzhna myt‘ \\ Dumayte menshe \\ Plekayte usvidomlennja shchomyti \\ Sidayte bud‘-de \\ Medytatsija sydjachy \\ Dzvony usvidomlenosti \\ Korzhyk z dytynstva \\ Medytatsija z mandarynkoju \\ Prychastja \\ Usvidomlene spozhyvannja jizhi \\ Myjuchy posud \\ Medytatsija pid chas khodinnja \\ Medytatsija pry telefonnykh rozmovakh \\ Medytatsija za kermom \\ Rozmyvannja obolonok buttja \\ Dykhayte, kosjachy travu \\ Netsilesprjamovanist‘ \\ Zhyttja – mystets‘kyy tvir \\ Nadija jak pereshkoda \\ Osjajannja cherez kvitku \\ Kimnata dlja dykhannja \\ Podorozh tryvaje

ChASTYNA 2: Peretvorennja ta ztsilennja:

\\ Rika vidchuttiv \\ Bez khirurhichnoho vtruchannja \\ Peretvorjujuchi vidchuttja \\ Usvidomlennja hnivu \\ Luptsjuvannja podushky \\ Medytatsija pid chas khodinnja v stani hnivu \\ Hotujuchy sobi kartoplju \\ Korinnja hnivu \\ Vnutrishni utvorennja \\ Spiv-zhyttja \\ Sutnist‘ \\ Podyvit‘sja na ruku \\ Bat‘ky \\ Vyroshchuvannja zdorovykh zeren \\ Shcho v tebe dobroho? \\ Zvynuvachennja nikoly ne zaradjat‘ \\ Rozuminnja \\ Spravzhnja ljubov \\ Medytatsija spiv-chuttja \\ Medytatsija ljubovi \\ Medytatsija v obiymakh \\ Vytrachaytes‘ na druziv \\ Velyka radist‘ – ojuiynjaty vnuka \\ Spil‘nota, de zhyvut‘ svidomo \\ Usvidomlenist‘ maje buty dijal‘noju

ChASTYNA 3: Spokiy – u kozhnomu krotsi

\\ Spiv-isnuvannja \\ Kvity y motlokh \\ Borotys‘ za myr \\ Ne dva \\ Likujuchy rany \\ Sontse moho sertsja \\ Pohljad uhlyb \\ Mystetstvo svidomoho zhyttja \\ Kharchuytes‘ usvidomleno \\ Teplyy lyst vashomu deputatovi \\ Hromadjanstvo \\ Ekolohija rozumu \\ Dzherela viyny \\ My vsi, jak lystja – z chereshkamy \\ My vsi pov'jazani mizh soboju \\ Prymyrennja \\ Nazyvayte mene pravdyvymy imenamy \\ Strazhdannja zhyvyt‘ spivchuttja \\ Ljubov u diji \\ Rika \\ Vstupajuchy u 21 storichchja

- Pro avtora

Publisher: Terra Incognita
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786177646203
Year: 2019

Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
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