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Iryna Danylenko. Bibliyni zhanry i kontsepty v poezii Tarasa Shevchenka. (Biblical Genres and Concepts in the Poetry by Taras Shevchenko)

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Iryna Danylenko. Bibliyni zhanry i kontsepty v poezii Tarasa Shevchenka. (Biblical Genres and Concepts in the Poetry by Taras Shevchenko)
"This book is a result of a comprehensive research into a number of poetry works by Shevchenko that arose at the intersection of two cultural discourses – the sacral (biblical/Christian) and profane (actually, artistic) ones. Contrary to the tradition characteristic of Shevchenko studies – focusing mainly on the content component of the poetry – the author emphasizes poetics of Shevchenko's poetry with parallel interpretation of their semantic component.
Particular attention is paid to the aspect of genre and style specifics of Shevchenko's works."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 145x210 mm
Number of pages: 144
Publisher: KM-Academy, Kyiv


- Vid avtora


1. Molytva jak metazhanr

2. Molytva v Shevchenkovomu poetychnomu prostori

3. "Molytva", "Tsariv, krovavykh shynkariv...", "Zlonachynajushchykh spyny..." jak tryptykh

4. "Tym nesytym ocham..."

5. "Svite jasnyy! Svite tykhyy!.."


1. Perespivy tekstiv Svjatoho Pys‘ma v Shevchenkoviy poeziji

2. "Podrazhanija"-nasliduvannja tekstiv Svjatoho Pys‘ma u Shevchenkoviy poeziji

3. "Davydovi psalmy"

4. "Podrazhanije 11 psalmu"

5. "Podrazhanije Ijezekijilju. Hlava 19"

6. "Osija. Hlava XIV. Podrazhanije"

7. ["Tsari"]

- Bibliohrafichna dovidka

- Perelik umovnykh skorochen‘

Publisher: KM-Academy, publishing house
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789665187172
Year: 2017

Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
See also:

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Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

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