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Viktor Malakhov. Pravo buty soboyu. (The Right to Being Oneself)

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Viktor Malakhov. Pravo buty soboyu. (The Right to Being Oneself)
"Being oneself is a fundamental right of a human personality. Defending this right is not a selfish whim: we must be ourselves to sustain our own responsibility, not to betray our love and the unexpendable mission.

Being oneself is the thorough motive of the offered collection of studies and essays. This motive unites a number of sketches from the ancient and the newest history of the thought, it predetermines the nature of depicting characters of these essays, from Hrygory Skovoroda to personalities of domestic philosophers of the 20th-21st centuries, echoes in the topics of studies in ethics contained in the book, determines orientation of the author's own reflections. Under this point of view, a wide range of issues are covered – from basic philosophical and ethical problems to various concrete aspects of the contemporary human experience.

For those interested in issues of the spiritual and moral self-determination of the contemporary personality."

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: hard cover

Format: 144x200 mm

Number of pages: 336

Publisher: DUH I LITERA, Kyiv


- Perednje slovo


1. Pravda, jaku vytrymaty nelehko

2. Mif pro mif. Natsional‘na mifolohija jak tema suchasnoji mifotvorchosti

3. Chomu ja ne postmodernist?

4. Elita ta intelihentsija v suchasnomu ukrajins‘komu suspil‘stvi

5. Osobystist‘ i natsional‘na kul‘tura: pidgruntja etychnykh problem

6. Ziznannja reaktsionera

Studiji z etyky

1. "Bios politikos": narys etychnykh problem

2. Po toy bik opozytsiji etosu i morali: postontolohichni aspekty moral‘nosti

3. Moral‘ na mezhi ljuds‘koho: vyklyky s‘ohodennja

4. "Lykhyy pohljad" u suchasnomu svitostavlenni

Dumky i ljudy

1. Khrystolohichni motyvy u tvorchosti H. Skovorody

2. Obraz Velykoho inkvizytora u dzerkali minlyvykh al‘ternatyv: voroh svobody, stradnyk za ljudstvo

3. Demokratija ta moral‘na kul‘tura (z rozdumiv nad ideynoju spadshchynoju P. I. Novhorodtseva)

4. Do metodolohiji doslidzhennja vitchyznjanoji filosofs‘koji dumky 60-80-kh rr. XX st.

5. U tryvozi za pravdu mynushchu

6. Ljudyna, jaka vmila radity

7. Pro avtora knyhy z ohljadom na jiji heroja

8. Buttja jak darunok i viddjaka: deshcho z nashoji molodoji filosofiji

Trud ljubovi

1. Vira, virnist‘, tolerantnist‘

2. Pro trud ljubovi ta pro simeynu zlahodu

3. Poklykannja uchnivstva

Prostir zhyttja

1. Svoboda jak nevymushenist‘

2. Apolohija turyzmu. Ekzystentsiyno-etychnyy sens turyzmu jak riznovydu podorozhuvannja

3. Sny pro misto

4. Samotniy holos ljudyny

- Vidomosti pro publikatsiji

- Imennyy pokazhchyk

Publisher: DUH I LITERA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789663780801
Year: 2008

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See also:

Yuriy Shevelyov, Leonid Plyusch. Lystuvannya: 1979-1995. (Correspondence: 1979-1995)

Plyusch and Shevelyov are very different – in age and experience, cultural background and way of thinking. Behind their body of letters are not only brilliant ideas or interesting discussions, not only a slice of the day or a dialogue of different environments, but also a school of thinking, lessons in polemics and the art of argumentation.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Osho. Poshuk. (The Search. On the Ten Bulls of Zen)

In the 12th century, Chinese master Kakuan drew a series of images that symbolize stages of a seeker's awareness of his/her true nature, supplementing every image with a brief commentary. In this book, Osho and Kakuan meet: here, Osho interprets Kakuan's revelations and brings them closer to the modern reader.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Thich Nhat Hahn. Spokiy u kozhnomu krotsi. (Peace is Every Step)

..he reminds us that unity with another person and with the entire world is not only a recipe for behaving in difficult situations, but also a lifelong strategy that can help overcome insecurity, anger, and depression, as well as proactively assist people.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Taisha Abelar. Mahichny perekhid. (The Sorcerer's Crossing. A Woman's Journey)

Taisha Abelar is one of four students of Don Juan Matus. The Sorcerer's Crossing is a fascinating and detailed story about learning techniques that help one accumulate enough energy to perform an act of complete and ultimate release.
Domestic price: 390.04UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Carlos Castaneda. Vchennya dona Khuana. (The Teachings of Don Juan. A Yaqui Way of Knowledge)

In 1960, a graduate student in anthropology at the University of California, Carlos Castaneda, visits Mexico for a research purpose – and accidentally he gets to know a shaman of the Yaqui tribe, Juan Matus. This book tells us about the first five years of Castaneda's discipleship with the mysterious American Indian, who introduced him to secrets of shamanism..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Neale Donald Walsch. Rozmovy z Bohom. an uncommon dialogue. Volume 1. (Conversations with God)

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Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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