The book deals with the prose by the leading authors of the time presenting it as a fascinating narrative filled with colorful characters. Andryczyk focuses on the role of an intellectual in creation of the post-Soviet Ukrainian identity, tracks ups and downs of those heroes during their attempts to transform the creative sector."
Translated from English by Ihor Andruschenko.
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 145x210 mm
Number of pages: 188
Publisher: Piramida, Lviv
- Lida Stefanovs‘ka. Perednje slovo
- Vstup: Na pidstupakh do ukrajins‘koho intelektuala postradjans‘koji doby, abo Slovo "intelektual" na ukrajins‘kyy lad
Chastyna 1. Eyforija:
1. Novi prototypy ukrajins‘koho intelektuala v postradjans‘kiy prozi – khvats‘kyy performansyst
2. Novi prototypy ukrajins‘koho intelektuala v postradjans‘kiy prozi – posol na Zakhid
3. Ruynivna pohuljanka
Chastyna 2. Khaos:
4. Novi prototypy ukrajins‘koho intelektuala v postradjans‘kiy prozi – khvora dusha
5. Nazad na zadvirky
Chastyna 3. Spil‘nota:
6. Ahenty metafizyky
7. Spil‘nota inshykh
- Vysnovok
- Bibliohrafija
- Imennyy pokazhchyk