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Nina Chamata. Liryka Tarasa Shevchenka. Analyses and Interpretations. (The Lyrics by Taras Shevchenko)

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Nina Chamata. Liryka Tarasa Shevchenka. Analyses and Interpretations. (The Lyrics by Taras Shevchenko)
"The papers collected in the book are a result of a comprehensive research of a number of Shevchenko's lyrical pieces. Particular attention is paid to the artistic organization of the poetic text, especially at the highest structural levels – an issue that is poorly explored in the literary theory. The article "The Composition of Shevchenko's Lyrical Works (the plot and thematic level), being the first piece in the book, is an attempt to clarify some aspects of the abovementioned issue. Further papers are dedicated to analysis and interpretation of Shevchenko's individual pieces, the overwhelming majority of which (39) belong to the small forms of poetry (elegies, addresses, songs, lyrical poetic stories, etc.). The large lyrical form of Shevchenko's poetry is represented in the book with the long poem "Caucasus" and the series "In the Dungeons."
For literary scholars, lecturers, students in philology."
In Ukrainian

Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 142x210 mm
Number of pages: 294
Publisher: KM-Academy, Kyiv

- Vid avtora

- Kompozytsija lirychnykh tvoriv Shevchenka (sjuzhetno-tematychnyy riven‘)

- Dumka ("Teche voda v synje more...")

- Na vichnu pam’jat‘ Kotljarevs‘komu

- N.Markevychu

- "Viter z hajem rozmovljaje..."

- Pesnja karaul‘noho u tjur‘my

- Rozryta mohyla

- "Choho meni tjazhko, choho meni nudno..."

- "Zavorozhy meni, volkhve..."

- Hoholju

- "Ne zavyduy bohatomu..."

- Kavkaz

- Try lita (zhanrovo-kompozytsinyy aspekt)

- V kazemati

- "Oy try shljakhy shyrokiji..."

- Kosar

- N.N. ("Sontse zakhodyt‘, hory chornijut‘...")

- "Samomu chudno. A de zh ditys‘?"

- "A numo znovu virshuvaty..."

- H.Z.

- "Jakby zostrilysja my znovu..."

- Prorok

- "Za sontsem khmaron‘ka plyve..."

- "I vyris ja na chuzhyni..."

- "Ne dlja ljudey, tijeji slavy..."

- "Jakby meni cherevyky..."

- "Poljubylasja ja..."

- "Po ulytsi viter vije..."

- "Ne tak tiji vorohy..."

- "U peretyku khodyla..."

- "Utoptala stezhechku..."

- "Navhorodi kolo brodu..."

- "Ne vernuvsja iz pokhodu..."

- "Zarosly shljakhy ternamy..."

- "My voseny taki pokhozhi..."

- Muza

- "Oy maju, maju ja ochenjata..."

- "Barvinok tsviv i zeleniv..."

- "Mynuly lita molodiji..."

- "Khocha lezhachoho y ne b’jut‘..." (osoblyvosti kompozytsiji)

- "Buvaly voyny y viys‘koviji svary..."

-"Ziyshlys‘, pobralys‘, pojednalys‘..."

Publisher: KM-Academy, publishing house
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789665186427
Year: 2014

Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
See also:

Iryna Danylenko. Bibliyni zhanry i kontsepty v poezii Tarasa Shevchenka. (Biblical Genres and Concepts in the Poetry by Taras Shevchenko)

This book is a result of a comprehensive research into a number of poetry works by Shevchenko that arose at the intersection of two cultural discourses – the sacral (biblical/Christian) and profane (actually, artistic) ones. Particular attention is paid to the aspect of genre and style specifics of Shevchenko's works.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

Oleksandr Denysenko. Taras. Povernennya. (Taras. The Return)

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Denys Zamriy, Kostyantyn Tur-Konovalov. Khudozhnyk /Taras Shevchenko/. (The Painter)

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Oksana Zabuzhko. Shevchenkiv mif Ukrainy. Attempt of philosophical analysis. /fourth edition/. (Shevchenko's Myth of Ukraine)

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Domestic price: 409.64UAH, International price: $20.90USD

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