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Valeriy Voytovych. Henealohija bohiv davn‘oji Ukrajiny. (Genealogy of Gods of the Ancient Ukraine)

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Valeriy Voytovych. Henealohija bohiv davn‘oji Ukrajiny. (Genealogy of Gods of the Ancient Ukraine)
"In the monograph, virtually for the first time in history of the Ukrainian philosophical science, the author uses the comparative historical analysis and comparison with other Indo-European mythological systems and tries to comprehensively analyze and reconstruct the mythic and religious worldview of our Ancestors, in particular, the pantheon of ancient Ukrainian gods. The book accumulates unique illustrative material from various historical and modern sources.

"Genealogy of Gods of the Ancient Ukraine" launches, to say the least of it, a unique series in the history of the Ukrainian book printing – "Ukrainian mythology", within the framework of which in the nearest future the new books will appear: "Kolyada. In Three Volumes", "Yarylo. In Two Volumes", "Kupalo. In Two Volumes", "Spells", "Tall-Tale Stories", etc.

For researchers – historians, philosophers, teachers and students of higher educational facilities, as well as for an extensive audience of readers wishing to consciously understand roots of the history and culture of their native people."

In Ukrainian.

Offset paper

Number of pages: 556, illustrated publication. Genealogical Schematic Map (insert)

Cover: hard

Publisher: Valeriy Voytovych, Rivne

Table of Contents:


Rozdil I. Pryroda sakral‘noho u davniy Ukrajini:

1. Dzherela

2. Istoriohrafija

Rozdil II. Peredumovy pojavy bohiv u davniy Ukrajini:

1. Mifo-relihiynyy kosmos davn‘oji Ukrajiny (Vsevydjache Oko. Alatyr. Rod. Purusha. Jama. Jami)

2. Ponjattja pro nayvyshchoho Boha (Boh. Boh Vseboh. Vsevyshniy)

3. Velyka Bohynja us‘oho sushchoho (Velyka Bohynja. Bohorodytsja. Oranta)

Rozdil III. Rekonstruktsija panteonu davn‘oukrajins‘kykh bohiv:

1. Lada – Bohynja Vsesvitu (Derevo Zhyttja. Lada. Lado. Lelja. Polel‘. zhyva)

2. Biloboh i Chornoboh – syny mohutn‘oho Roda (Leta. Biloboh. Chornoboh. Mara)

3. Svaroh – prabat‘ko vsikh bohiv (Nebo. Vohon‘. Svaroh. Svarha. Dyv. Zodiak)

4. Dazhboh – Boh-davatel‘ usiljakoho dobra (Sontse. Dazhboh. Daboh. Svarozhych)

5. Maty Syra Zemlja ta jiji velyki Bohyni-Berehyni (Maty Syra Zemlja. Slava. Berehynja. Pokrova)

6. Prechysti Divy – druzhyny bohiv Sontsja ta Neba (Moksha. Dyva. Diva. Divych-hora. Rozhanytsi)

7. Khors – Boh zhyttjedaynoho svitla Misjatsja (Misjats‘. Zatemnennja. Khors. Chysloboh)

8. Zorja – nayprekrasnisha nebesna panna (Zorja. Svitozar)

9. Trojan – vladyka Neba, Zemli ta Potoybichchja (Trojan. Tryhlav. Koljada. Ovsen‘. Jarylo. Symarhl. Svitovyd)

10. Perun – Boh blyskavky ta hromu (Hrim ta Blyskavka. Perun. Palykopa. Illja-hromoverzhets‘. Stryboh)

11. Veles-Volos – pokrovytel‘ ljuds‘koji dushi (Veles-Volos. Velesiv tyzhden‘. Kul‘t Velesa. Volkhvy)

12. Kupalo – okhoronets‘ dukhu Materi-Zemli (Kupalo. Marena. Kupal‘nytsja. Kupal‘s‘ka nich)

13. Arey – Boh viyny (Arey. Jarovyt. Rujevyt. Porenut. Radehast)

Rozdil IV. Rekonstruktsija mifolohichnykh personazhiv:

1. Ordan – svjatytel‘ pidzemnykh vod (Voda. Dana)

1.1. Ordans‘kyy mif, yoho semantyka ta pokhodzhennja (Or. Ra. Oriy (orijets‘))

1.2. Koljadky – dzherelo natsional‘noji kul‘tury (Koljadky. Vodokhreshcha. Jardan. Jurdan. Hordan. Yordan. Jerdan. Ordan)

2. Shum-Shumljachyy – bozhestvo lisu

2.1. Lis u zvychajakh ukrajintsiv (Lis-shum. Svjashchennyy hay. Dibrova. Vodinnja Kusta. Mykha)

2.2. Vesnjanky-hajivky – riznovyd fol‘klornoji tvorchosti ukrajintsiv (Vesna. Zaklykannja vesny. Vesnjanky. Hajivky. Vesil‘ne hil‘tse)

3. Kolodiy – bozhestvo shljubu

3.1. Pokhodzhennja ta semantyka slova Kolodiy (Kolo. Kolo-Sontse)

3.2. Pokhodzhennja svjata Kolodija (Istoryko-etnohrafichni dzherela. Doslidnyky pro pokhodzhennja terminu "Kolodiy-Kolodka")

4. Uray-Ray – bozhestvo plodjuchosti

4.1. Vytoky starodavn‘oho svjata Uray-Raja (Nebesni vorota. Ray. Vyriy)

4.2. Fol‘klorni ta istorychni vytoky obrazu svjatoho Jurija Uray Raja (Svjatyy Juriy – syn Bozhyy. Svjatyy Juriy – heroy-vojin)

5. Korochun – Bozhyy sluzhyvets‘ z sonjachnym okom

5.1. Vytoky davn‘oukrajins‘koho svjata Korochuna (Did. Didiv den‘. Didukh. Korovay. Kalach)

5.2. Korochun u doslidzhennjakh vitchyznjanykh ta zarubizhnykh uchenykh (Korochun – mifichnyy pradid, prabat‘ko. Korochun – bozhestvo, jake povertaje Kolo-Sontse do vesny)

6. Zil‘nyk-Zylota – volodar tsiljushchoho zela

6.1. Charivne zelo u viruvannjakh ukrajintsiv (Bohynja roslynnosti Mayja. Charivne zelo)

6.2. Bozhestva – opikuny roslynnoho svitu (Zylot Symon. Zolotykha. Onufriy. Spas. Makoviy. Panteleymon)

7. Kaleta – bozhestvo ljuds‘koji doli

7.1. Misjachna symvolika peredrizdvjanoho svjata Kalety (Nav. Dolja. Kateryny)

7.2. Proukrajins‘ke svjato Kalety (Vcheni-doslidnyky pro svjato Kalety. Obrjadodiystva na svjati Kalety)


Slovnyk-pokazhchyk mifolohichnykh imen ta nazv

Kolo Svarozhe

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel


Publisher: author
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789662016017
Year: 2007

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Valeriy Voytovych

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