For a wide circle of readers, who aspire to conscious understanding of roots of history and culture of the people."
This publication is, in essence, an encyclopedic dictionary of the Ukrainian mythology. It starts with the articles "Abrakadabra", "Adam", "Alatyr", "Amin‘" ("Abracadabra", "Adam", "Alatyr", "Amen") – and ends with the articles "Yaryny den‘", "Yarmo", "Yarchuk", "Yashchir" ("Yaryna's Day", "Yoke", "Yarchuk", "Pangolin"). The following sections are included into annexes:
- Svarog's Circle. Zodiac calendar of ancient Ukrainians (by Galyna Lozko)
- The primordial root of the world tree of life. (Instead of the epilogue)
- Prominent ethnographers and folklore experts of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries.
- Bibliography
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 198õ286 mm
Number of pages: 664, illustrations
Publisher: Lybid', Kyiv