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Stefan Nederytsa. Healing of the Soul. "The Book of the Living" Series.

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Stefan Nederytsa. Healing of the Soul. "The Book of the Living" Series.
Offering to your attention – the very first disc by Stepan Nederitsa, with which, in due time, the original "The Book of the Living" series started.

"The beautiful, harmonious music, which they usually refer to as classical music – and the elegant, amazingly clear, transparent, sincere and, simultaneously, passionate music by Serhiy Konovalov – is the most efficient means for healing the body and soul! Try, experiment for yourself... We are emotional creatures, and it is music that has at all times helped people live happily and be healthy. No event in the life of human civilization, from birth to death, can take place without Music. Even war has its own military marches – to say nothing of peaceful life..." Stepan Nederitsa

Publisher: author
Year: 2009

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Stefan Nederytsa

Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
1. Mp3"Arija" z sjujity ¹ 3 Re mazhor "Povitrja"
music: J.S.Bach
2.  Kontsert dlja fortepiano z orkestrom fa minor, ch.2
music: F.Chopin
3. Mp3Serenada
music: F.Schubert
4.  Kontsert dlja fortepiano z orkestrom ¹ 4 Sol‘ mazhor, ch.2
music: W.A.Mozart
5. Mp3"Ave Verum Corpus" z sjujity "Motsartiana"
music: P.Tchaikovsky
6.  Sonata dlja fortepiano ¹ 14 "Misjachna", Adazhio, ch.2
music: L. van Beethoven
7. Mp3Kontsert dlja skrypky z orkestrom, ch.2
music: F.Mendelssohn Bartholdy
8.  Kontsert dlja fortepiano z orkestrom ¹ 2 do minor, ch.2
music: S.Rakhmaninov
9. Mp3Kontsert dlja skrypky z orkestrom Re mazhor, ch.2
music: J.Brahms
10.  Noktjurn "Mriji kokhannja"
music: F.Liszt
11.  Ave Maria
music: G.Caccini
12.  Intermetso z opery "Sil‘s‘ka chest‘"
music: P.Mascagni
 Total playing time: 79:42

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

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Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

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