CD1 |
1. |
 | We are guarded 6y the Cross
(Yzhe Krestom ohrazhdaemy)
2. |
| Blessed is the man (Blazhen muzh)
3. |
| O gentle Radiance (Svete tyhyj)
4. |
 | Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart
(Nyne otpuschaeshy)
5. |
| Hail, O Theotokos the Virgin (Ave Maria) (Bohorodyce Devo, radujsja)
6. |
| Having slept in the flesh as a mortal (Plotyju usnuv)
7. |
| Christ is risen (Hrystos Anaýsty)
8. |
| The chimes of the Belfry of St. Elijah Church (Peredzvin Dzvinyci Svjato-Illins'koji cerkvy)
9. |
 | The voice of the Archangel
(Arhanhel'skyj hlas)
10. |
| O thou, the heritor of God (Naslednyche Bozhyj)
11. |
| Meet it is (Dostojno est')
12. |
| Canticle to St. Elijah the profit (Psalom proroku Bozhomu Illi)
13. |
| Canticle to St. Nicholas (Kant Svjatomu Mykolaju)
14. |
| Sleep, O Jesus... (Spy Isuse…)
| | Chants of St. Dmytro Rostovsky
15. |
 | I set my hope in God
(Nadezhdu moju v Bozi polahaju)
16. |
| O merciful Mother (Maty myloserda)
17. |
| Look with care (Vzyraj s prylezhanijem)
18. |
| O my Jesus, the most Gracious one (Isuse mij preljubeznyj)
19. |
| Canticle to the Pochaev icon of the Virgin (Kant Pochajivs'kij Bozhij Materi)
20. |
| Meet it is (Dostojno est')
21. |
| We have recourse to Thy Mercy (Pod tvoju mylost'…)
| Total playing time: 45:00 |