Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Dance Pop

. Smile.

Reviews (35)
. Smile.

May be, I am wrong, but listening approximately to the second song recorded at this album you feel as if now Ani Lorak has finally determined the direction, in which she will continue to move on. And this direction is somewhere in the middle between a teen-age star and a pop-girl. Deliberate or not, this finding of the happy medium has evidently influenced the album sounding. It – the sounding – is rather balanced, suspended, assiduous, washed and shiny, put on high heels and turned to the sunset with its face. Personally I find it to be good, because generally speaking, the vocal potentialities of Ani Lorak allow her in full to have enough ambitions as for popularity, which may be wider than simply to be popular on the territory of Ukraine. Still, time will show if a European listener shares this opinion. Yes, a quiet one may share. Because I find this album to be a real – without any exaggeration – embodiment of musical recusancy. From which a particle "non" has been carefully crossed out – finally, in our time, it is a very demonstrative state of affairs. That’s why it undoubtedly has every chance to be taken correctly.

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Lavina Music
Year: 2005

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1.  Right Away Song text
lyrics: Nick Brovchenko
2. Mp3Smile Song text
lyrics: Pam Reswick
3. Mp3A Little Shot of Love Song text
lyrics: Pam Reswick
4. Mp3Car Song Song text
lyrics: Nick Brovchenko
5.  To be on Top Song text
lyrics: Nick Brovchenko
6.  Don’t talk about love Song text
lyrics: Pam Reswick
7.  Untie Me Song text
lyrics: Nick Brovchenko
8.  Why Song text
lyrics: Tina Harris
9.  13 Song text
lyrics: Pam Reswick
10.  The Best Song text
lyrics: Chapman
11.  Tell Me (Rozkazhy) Song text
lyrics: Ani Lorak
12. Mp3I am Waiting (Chekaju) Song text
lyrics: Nick Brovchenko, Ani Lorak
  Bonus video
13.  Smile
14.  A Little Shot of Love
15.  Car Song

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Volodymyr Luciw. Mizhnarodni pisni. (International songs)

As a professional singer Tino Valdi (V. Luciw's artistic name) performed numerous international revues, concerts, radio and television programs. He popularized Ukrainian songs and ballads for several decades. V. Luciw did not focus solely on Ukrainian music. He also successfully performed many international and particularly Neapolitan songs, which he recorded, for the first time, in Ukrainian.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Tina Karol. Show Me Your Love.

...with such voice as hers, it is also possible to sing with the same success folk songs, R'n'B, soul, and disco, and try and search for something in jazz. Having listened through the album, I suppose, you will also consider that such a bright start is just obliged to have not less bright continuation.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Zhanna Bodnaruk. All the Best.

Having glanced at the name of the new album by Zhanna Bodnaruk, quite naturally, you might think that the best songs from her creative store are recorded here. She has been at the large scene for already about twenty years – consequently, she for sure has something to boast. But – no. That it, she does have something to boast, certainly, but this album is devoted to quite different songs.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (35)

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  , france
01-03-2006 00:42

good disc, a little shot of your love is a very good song

  Надя , Коростень., Украина
20-02-2006 12:47

дуже чудова музика, як і сама співачка!

  , Киев, Украина
19-02-2006 22:50

что сразу удивляет, так это качественный мастеринг. В Украине к сожалению такое очень редко можно встретить.
А вот содержание, сама музыка слишком уж на америку расчитана, хотя пару песен действительно заслуживают внимания

  , Mьlheim an der ruhr, deutschland
11-02-2006 21:49

hi pisni dyshe spodobalis. osoblivo roskashi ta car song. clip is perfect.

  , Тернопіль, україна
06-01-2006 08:46

Чудовий альбом, чудова музика, класні слова. Дійсно Ані виросла з маленької "зірочки" в зірку, з цим альбомом можна виходити на сітову сцену, думаю вона вже може позмагатися за місце в світових чартах. В англомовних піснях чується вже новий дух чогось такого європейського, а коли слухаєш українські композиції повертаєшся на Україну. Чудово переспівана пісня Тіни Тьорнер, здається що "Чекаю" перекликується деякими нотками з тим самим Simply The Best/ Взагалі про альбом найкращі враження, Ані, ... Так тримати

  Danils , Москва, Росія
29-12-2005 18:27

Навіть не знаю, як виразити всі свої почуття... Ну дуже сподобався цей альбом. Хоча мені все ж здається, що українською класніше виходить, але не можу сказати, що англомовні пісні не сподобалися. Давненько хотів почути пісню "Смайл". Ця пісня зовсім не нагадує попередні пісні Ані. Супер! Загалом, запальний альбом. Варто придбати!

27-12-2005 12:39

А-а-а ... Атака клонів Брітні Спірз.

  , Chernivtsi - Colorado ( USA ), Ukraine - USA
21-12-2005 23:08


Thank you so much for an awesome CD! I love all the songs! Now when I'm away from home I can be homesick sometimes. But your music brings me lots of stamina and good memories from home.

Thank you again! With a great love and respect, Oliunchik -

  Keir , Canberra, Australia
15-12-2005 11:05

Wow. I bought Ani's last CD and loved it, so I snapped this one up right away. But if I didn't know any better, I'd swear they were two different artists. This CD is so different in every way from the last. Not better or worse, just different.

Ani is obviously a singer who is not afraid to experiment and take new directions, a singer who sings for herself. She is clearly more confident in her writing and singing in English, as she should be. Her lyrics are mostly poetic and thoughtful, with the possible exception of 13 which did not impress me at all (perhaps there is a point to it which I am missing).

The title track is the stand-out for me. A sharp, almost cynical take on the things girls have to put up with growing up (and showing that some things are the same the world over!). It's a great song. Another favourite is Don't Talk About Love, with a catchy melody and beautifully showcases the amazing range Ani's voice has.

There is possibly a little Alanis Morrisette, etc influence on this CD. Perhaps this is a reflection of what Ani herself is listening to right now, or perhaps just the sort of music she felt like making this time around. Whatever the reason, it's an excellent CD and I can't wait for the next one.

  Larry D , Aiken, USA
15-12-2005 04:33

Ani lorak has an amazing voice. This was an very good english album. I quite enjoyed her other albums also. Her voice has grown better with each album release. It is easy to see why she is one of the Ukraines top performers. She has a good range of styles. It is a pleasure to listen to her and not sound like your listening to the same thing all of the time. I highly recommed any of Ani Lorak's albums. For any of Ani's fans, this one is a must.

  , Rivne, Ukraine
13-12-2005 14:49

Ani Lorak is the best Ukrainian singer!! She has amazing voice.
And that album is the best album she's ever made. Rock is the most right choice!!!
My favorite is "Car Song"

  , Levittown, USA
04-12-2005 22:38

Wonderful album! It is a different direction for Ani, but it is excellent!

  даха , днепр, украина
29-11-2005 16:01

супер альбом.от пнсни просто торчу

  Петро , Івано-Франківськ, Україна
20-11-2005 10:16

Мені дуже сподобався цей альбом. Я замовляв його заради однієї пісні "Car Song", але на моє приємне здивування усі решта також виявилися дуже хорошими. Взагалі пісні Ані Лорак на англійській мові мають у собі щось особливе. Англійська її чудова. Приємні також дві бонусні українські пісні, особливо класна "Розкажи". Чудовий альбом. Ще й три відеокліпа. Справді, просто супер.

09-11-2005 04:25