Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Dance Pop

Zakhar. Pershyj.

Reviews (6)
Zakhar. Pershyj.
At this cover I see a sweet smile. A sweet boy. Still, he does not pretend to be a right boy. Frankly speaking, it is even pleasant, as it is honestly. He honestly tell about the things, about which he thinks - it is obvious that he thinks mostly about girls and about all kinds of pleasure and joys connected with them. Such kind of openness should be worth of something. Girls should know what it is worth of, and it is not for me to speculate about that. As for his voice, it is pleasant – the main thing in it is his youth, in the sense of craving for life. To be exact, craving for sensual life. Taking into consideration that Zakhar is the author of both lyrics and music (with the exception of folk songs), it is quite an all-sufficient self-expression, isn’t it? In general, the album is not unvaried, and this is considered a plus, too, as an author's debut is not always so simple. Here quite a bright image appears, which becomes more extensional and bulging with every song. It does not get lost in the thicket of reflections. It goes straight, without losing extra efforts for workarounds. It is exactly what a young pressure means. Such is Zakhar, a sweet boy from the cover – he knows what he wants and does what he wants.

Year: 2004

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 182.28UAH 136.81UAH
International price: $9.30USD $6.98USD
Discount: 25%
1.  Pershyj
2. Mp3U-u-u (Ja tebe ljublju)
3.  Za-hra-la
4.  Zatelefonuj
5. Mp3Jak meni
6.  Sam ne svij
7.  Rybka zolota
8. Mp3Ciluvala
9. Mp3Final'ni tytry
10.  Jihaly kozaky
11.  Ne budemo pyty z divchatamy
 Total playing time: 35:40

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Victor Pavlik. Anna-Maria / Ty podobajeshsya meni. 2CD. /digi-pack/. (I Like You)

..Thus, you will discover here the best songs by Viktor Pavlik of the "Anna-Maria" period, and two dozen versions of "I Like You." One can hear even now that it is pop music of a special sort, having its own distinct personality...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Victor Pavlik. Naykrashe. (The best of...)

Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (6)

  Настя , Киев
13-08-2008 14:37

Да, песню Вин поет Захар, очень крутая и стебная песня, я эту песню полтора года назад слышала на всех радиостанциях!

  , New York, USA
27-02-2007 16:50

spodobalos meni duje. Tak garno spivaye. Meni obidvi spodobalis diski. Ya pishla na i tam skachala klip yoho. SUPER

  MisterR , Львів, Україна
23-02-2006 17:36

Мелодії запальні, але до них додані достатньо примітивні тексти. Моя думка.

03-09-2005 16:27

Ой а скажите пожалуйста, это он поёт песню " Вий " или " Вин..."?!!!

  Олег , Торонто (Львів), канада
12-07-2005 11:59

Дурний альбом.Дуже шкодую що придбав його.
1-а добра пісня "Їхали козаки" з Заліском
ще не зла пісня "цілувала"
Інші пісні - ніякі
Моя думка.

  Натяля , Київ
18-06-2005 22:31

Просто неймовірний альбом! Практично всі пісні - хіти. Захар має чудовий голос. його творчість подобається не тільки моїм друзям, а й моїм батькам. СУПЕР!!!